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Float Fishing Superstore
Dec 1, 2010
Wondering how many bags everyone is tying for opener. I take the week off friday to friday so I tie a bunch. Still have another 200+ to go but I got a good start last night 160 white and 100 Chartreuse of the Fishheads Canada Salmon Roe

Any One Else Got Bag Tying Shots?
How Many Bags Do You Tie?



Happy Opener Everyone, We all know it's going to be crowded so please be nice to the next guy......It might be someone you know from the forum.
I'll only be out for Saturday and half of Sunday, so hopefully my 70 I have left will do.

Mind you I'm typing 70 and laughing because if they get me one hook up then that'll make my day. :)
No bags for me, beads only and bringing my spinning along for some nice hardware action
Ok preparation.....rods, check, tackle, check, boxing gloves, check, first aid kit, check. Yep I am good to go.

You guys are forgetting the most important thing

I put 2 case of beer in the fridge last night. Made sure the bar fridge had coke and coconut water for mix/chase.

180 sacs, but I dont tie em myself- just cant find the time.
180 for me. This was a multi beer job the last two nights.

8 dozen steel on left and 7 dozen FISHHEADS brown on right


the Brown up close, look really good
First cast on a tab bro! Some profanity included. YEEEHAWWWWWW!

Those bags look amazing! I think I'm going to try and prepare some next weekend, I've been eye balling the equipment in the tackle shops the last few weeks, but need to read up a bit more about what to use. Great video as well, looks like a great time.
LOL Opener is all about good times with good friends. I have to admit I am tying for a friend who is driving from Montreal as I type. Tied off another 112 Peach and Yellow this AM.....lol

Nothing I hate more then being unprepared

total: 100 Chartreuse, 156 White, 56 yellow and 56 peach. Should be a great start to our week of fishing!!!!!


The Arsenal

troutddicted said:
First cast on a tab bro! Some profanity included. YEEEHAWWWWWW!
I don't get it.. how is this even possible? I'm assuming it's the shininess of the tab that's attracting them, and it probably flutters around. Obviously it works, but can't wrap my mind around it.

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