Orvis Superfine Glass

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2012
Has anyone had any experience with the orvis superfine glass rod? Im debating picking up one in the 7' 3wt flavour but im thinking whether or not to get the superfine touch 7'6" 3wt instead. Can anyone offer any insight? Pros/cons between the glass and the touch? Thanks
The glass has only been out since earlier this year so i don't know if anyone will have tried it I can say I have the redingtion butter stick although I haven't fished it I have cast it and the glass are supper slow but fun to cast I'm sure it will be a great rod
Hey FWAF, remember that butterstick? It's mine! Lol, great little rod. I haven't used the orvis but from what I hear (from more experienced glass fly fishermen) it's quite a fast rod as far as glass is concerned. If you want to get into it I strongly recommend the butterstick and the echo glass is supposed to be of amazing quality as well.
Sooo i went into wilsons downtown with the intent to order my 7' 3wt superfine glass. Left with an orvis 7'6" superfine trout bum instead. Funny how that works when you see something and the want outweighs the need heh. Long story short the glass purchase has been postponed until a further date...
Christopher K said:
Hey FWAF, remember that butterstick? It's mine! Lol, great little rod. I haven't used the orvis but from what I hear (from more experienced glass fly fishermen) it's quite a fast rod as far as glass is concerned. If you want to get into it I strongly recommend the butterstick and the echo glass is supposed to be of amazing quality as well.
Hey Chris I have it two can't wait to fish it should be a great rod won't be long now
The Orvis glass rods are very nice. Cast beautifully, look great and are worth every penny. I've ordered the 8' 5wt and if you are thinking of one, think a line or two lighter than graphite. What I mean by that is the 8' 5 will fish more like a heavy 3 or a 4 wt.