pics of you and your first fish(es)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
the sesame street"bert and ernie" "here fishy fishy" took me back to my childhood.....
thanks again diggy for the post...
memories of fishing with my dad and each of my grandfathers....
i was always talking and making noises...i only got to fish the last hour of these trips
so my dad could watch and coach me and make sure i did not hook anybody
funny thing is everyone was skunked but me :)
i was at my parents house the last two days tearing apart and rebuilding their kitchen
they moved to brantford in and i are getting the work done this fall and winter
so we can get some fishing on the grand river next year...i am excited.
anyhow while i was there i took photos of my first fishing photos.
the following are the first two fish i caught with my dad and grandfathers
the bass i was 5 years old and the eel caught the week of my 6th birthday ...year 1973
both fish were caught near carleton place..ottawa... at mississippi lake.
we moved to peterborough few weeks later and my dad did not have time to take me
fishing for several years.... :)
the bass we ate and the eel was released as i was very afraid of snakes....i did not want to touch it.
my dad said the eel took me 40 minutes to get in and i was one very tired little boy after.



the idea here is for you to post your first fishing pics to share with away :evil:
if you do not have pics readily available use your digital cameras at christmas and take pics of the pics your parents may have of you as a child or teenager fishing or with a catch...and post it after your back from holidays...
thought it would be nice to see your excited faces with your first fish or one of the first 100 :evil:
This isnt my very first fish always did alot of cottage and camping fishing but i dont fish for any other specie more than i do salmonoids and this was my very very first one!! this started it all for me! dont mind the date as it was never set since this was a very cheap digi from time and half ago...

thar's one big fish!!!
thanks for participating.
understand where your passion for fishing came from. :evil:
First fish was when I was around 4, I caught 10 perch off a dock at Rice Lake. I have a picture of me holding a smallmouth bass that I caught at Algonquin when I was 11, it's on my other computer I'll upload later.
djcake great to see you took your daughter out fishing...and she did catch a fish one third her size...awesome....and you had her wearing a life have my respect. hopefully she will continue to fish with you as she grows older...
Finally made some time to dig up sme of my old fishing photos, so here is the first wave. I still remember years of fishing on Lake Ontario with my dad and his buddy using downriggers and fishing for trout and salmon.

Here are a few of the beauty fish I remember catching in the old days, back when I had hair and fewer beer rolls...LMAO


By diggyj at 2009-12-03


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-03


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-03


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-03


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-03

Not sure where the last one was from, but it is a pretty nice bass.


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-03

Boy the quality of photos back in the day sucked. Will put some more up soon. Will have to find the ones from our cottage rental days on Wood Lake.

the parents' photo albums are ripe for the plucking! i'm really concerned we don't keep photo albums like that anymore. all my family photos are on flickr.
diggy looks like some pretty memorable outings...super sweet to have had access to a boat like that...
some mighty fine fish...understanding a little better your insatiable appetite for fishing and how it was inspired. :mrgreen:
forgot to ask....way back then..when you had hair :mrgreen: ...could you eat the fish you caught in lake ontario???
Cool to see Bluffers from back in the day. Love the prince George T-shirt! lmao. Thanks for sharing Diggy. Wish i had some old photos kicking around but alas it wasnt meant to be.
tangledline said:
forgot to ask....way back then..when you had hair :mrgreen: ...could you eat the fish you caught in lake ontario???

My dad had a smoker so we always smoked them and they were very tasty.

Here are a few more pics I came across.

Wood Lake near Bracebridge.


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-07


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-07

Me and my brother Frank with a small bass from Wood Lake.


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-07

Deepsea fishing in Florida.


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-07

Me and my dad trolling in the Gulf of Mexico.


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-07

A Grouper that we caught.


By diggyj, shot with iPhone 3GS at 2009-12-07


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