Poachers Again

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Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2015
My sons go to school close to each other and decided to meet at lunch and check out a creek close to them. Tons of fish and four guys fishing, what is wrong with people!!! They sent me a picture and these guys knew what they where doing. Full Simms gear, all the float rods and centrepins. Called ministry again and we know have direct line to both CO's in our area. The officers are very appreciative and are happy to see sportsmen trying to help our resources. It's reall sad though.
Funny story, I was walking on my local creek and saw an old timer with one steelhead on a stringer. Huge steelhead. he was done fishing and taking the steelhead home walking on the bank holding the stringer like it's his pet. He said, it's easier for him to do it that way than to carry the steel all the way where he parked.