Poll and Hook Incidents

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2012
Hi all,

Yesterday, I went to show my pal my rapala husky jerk and hooked my finger past the barb. Luckily it was not too much past the barb and we got it out using the method shown in the video. Thought it might be a helpful thing to post in case of an emergency. Thought I would make a poll of everyone who got hooked past the barb. Thanks

Efka hooked me :rolleyes: But don't listen to him, he will tell you I almost fainted and fell out of the boat :lol: Ya, the moderators here don't mess around.
Efka hooked me :rolleyes: But don't listen to him, he will tell you I almost fainted and fell out of the boat :lol: Ya, the moderators here don't mess around.

I'd like to hear that story! Was it past the barb? What did you do? Thanks
I hooked a buddy in the scalp. It was a treble hook from a Rapala lure. That thing was lodged real tight and we had to go to to the hospital and have it surgically removed. Will find the pics if I can get them from one of the guys
I hooked a buddy in the scalp. It was a treble hook from a Rapala lure. That thing was lodged real tight and we had to go to to the hospital and have it surgically removed. Will find the pics if I can get them from one of the guys

WOW! I got hooked by a rapala lure too! They make em sharp
WOW! I got hooked by a rapala lure too! They make em sharp

The make a quality hook thats for sure. It happened in Grand Bend and there was a big party (we fished in the morning and partied during the day/night). My buddy stayed with the lure in his head for 7 hours. He went up to random girls and said...."do you know what the catch of the day is??.....ME!" then he would show them the lure embedded in his scalp. He got a student nurses number that way lol.

Stay away from dunk people casting
The make a quality hook thats for sure. It happened in Grand Bend and there was a big party (we fished in the morning and partied during the day/night). My buddy stayed with the lure in his head for 7 hours. He went up to random girls and said...."do you know what the catch of the day is??.....ME!" then he would show them the lure embedded in his scalp. He got a student nurses number that way lol.

Stay away from dunk people casting

Classic! It did not cause him pain? I will make sure to stay away from drunks casting! Cheers.
The make a quality hook thats for sure. It happened in Grand Bend and there was a big party (we fished in the morning and partied during the day/night). My buddy stayed with the lure in his head for 7 hours. He went up to random girls and said...."do you know what the catch of the day is??.....ME!" then he would show them the lure embedded in his scalp. He got a student nurses number that way lol.

Stay away from dunk people casting

I hooked a nice size rainbow and when I went to remove the hook, it went nuts and hooked me nicely all the way through my finger. I finally got the hook out of the fish but could not remove it from my finger, so I drove myself to the hospital with my car which had a manual transmission. What a fashion accessory!
"is it pass the barb??? please tell me it's not pass the barb..... oh my god, it's pass the barb....i don't feel so good right now.....i have to sit down...."

i still laugh when i remember that story, good times.
:lol: I don't remember the story like that :twisted: I do remember seeing your bait dangle in front of my face for half a second and then hanging from my shoulder, was a quick and painless extraction for sure. :lol:
I hooked a nice size rainbow and when I went to remove the hook, it went nuts and hooked me nicely all the way through my finger. I finally got the hook out of the fish but could not remove it from my finger, so I drove myself to the hospital with my car which had a manual transmission. What a fashion accessory!

WOW! Right through your finger! That must have been one sharp hook!
"is it pass the barb??? please tell me it's not pass the barb..... oh my god, it's pass the barb....i don't feel so good right now.....i have to sit down...."

i still laugh when i remember that story, good times.

hahaha lol oh god I can picture that so well
I have been "barbless" for 15 years now and do not regret it one bit! I release healthier fish and when i do snag myself... no sweat! I would love for everyone here to contemplate pinching their barbs down to lessen the impact on the fish we catch. I caught 550 fish last year here in my backyard and lost maybe 6 because I go barbless. In Parry Sound District I lose a few smallies here and there but good for them, that is the name of the game. Hats off to Manitoba where "across the board" barbless is the law, so I have heard!
I have been "barbless" for 15 years now and do not regret it one bit! I release healthier fish and when i do snag myself... no sweat! I would love for everyone here to contemplate pinching their barbs down to lessen the impact on the fish we catch. I caught 550 fish last year here in my backyard and lost maybe 6 because I go barbless. In Parry Sound District I lose a few smallies here and there but good for them, that is the name of the game. Hats off to Manitoba where "across the board" barbless is the law, so I have heard!

I was just thinking this afternoon, of going barbless, then I realized... I have yet to catch a fish in Toronto and think I will wait till I catch one before going barbless.
Lol this thread is too much. I guess its more common than I initially thought. That being said.....its only fair some anglers taste the pain at least once. I heard fish don't feel pain when we hook the through their mouth. A quick google search indicated:

A research team from the Roslin Institute and the University of Edinburgh found “conclusive evidence of pain perception in fish”. The lead researcher, Dr Lynne Sneddon, said the team's work "fulfils the criteria for animal pain" - April 2003

Scientific America reported that goldfish “do experience pain consciously, rather than simply reacting with a reflex” - September 2009.

Norwegian School of Veterinary Science doctoral student Janicke Nordgreen studied nociception and pain in fish and concluded that it is very likely they can feel pain - Reported in Science Daily, 15 Jan 2010)

Other reports indicate fish feel negative stimuli and will react but it may not be pain per se. All I know is that when I got hooked (finger as well).....it hurt like a ************.

As for the barbless Parry Sound gentleman (Dugger)...If you paid attention to your local news about 2 years ago... I drunkenly got bit by a massassauga rattlesnake and had to be admitted to the ICU. They are very abundant in the Gibson Lake area. They made quite a comeback from their endangered status!!
Why not...I will include some snapshots from that fateful day. I identified the snake immediately after being bite twice (it dumped its entire venom into the first bite). Just the progress over a short period of time as the venom gradually made its course before the doctors decided to administer the antivenom. Two vials later (at the cost of $20,000 per vial) and several blood tests later I felt brand new. I apologize in advance to all the tax payers.

It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.


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Lol this thread is too much. I guess its more common than I initially thought. That being said.....its only fair some anglers taste the pain at least once. I heard fish don't feel pain when we hook the through their mouth. A quick google search indicated:

A research team from the Roslin Institute and the University of Edinburgh found “conclusive evidence of pain perception in fish”. The lead researcher, Dr Lynne Sneddon, said the team's work "fulfils the criteria for animal pain" - April 2003

Scientific America reported that goldfish “do experience pain consciously, rather than simply reacting with a reflex” - September 2009.

Norwegian School of Veterinary Science doctoral student Janicke Nordgreen studied nociception and pain in fish and concluded that it is very likely they can feel pain - Reported in Science Daily, 15 Jan 2010)

Other reports indicate fish feel negative stimuli and will react but it may not be pain per se. All I know is that when I got hooked (finger as well).....it hurt like a ************.

As for the barbless Parry Sound gentleman (Dugger)...If you paid attention to your local news about 2 years ago... I drunkenly got bit by a massassauga rattlesnake and had to be admitted to the ICU. They are very abundant in the Gibson Lake area. They made quite a comeback from their endangered status!!

Dear LORD! That is quite a story! and on the news!!!! I wanna hear the full story! I went repelling at rattle snake point last year and saw, heard no rattle snakes and truthfully was not to disappointed. Lets see, you got hooked in the finger and bite by a poisonous snake! Hope that was not during the same trip.
Why not...I will include some snapshots from that fateful day. I identified the snake immediately after being bite twice (it dumped its entire venom into the first bite). Just the progress over a short period of time as the venom gradually made its course before the doctors decided to administer the antivenom. Two vials later (at the cost of $20,000 per vial) and several blood tests later I felt brand new. I apologize in advance to all the tax payers.

It was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life.

Quite the swelling! Did you try to catch it?