Question about fishing reports

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
I read the rules a bit and have one question. If I submit a fishing report for the GTA, am I only able to view fishing reports in the GTA, or all of them? When I fish it's usually 300-500 km from Toronto, and have been wanting to try my luck at some urban ficshing sites but will only be able to provide good fishing that's not in the GTA.
Looks like you are going to have to make yourself a trip to somewhere in and around the GTA to make yourself a report. One tip though, the toronto islands are crazy this year!! Some of the members here are catching bass, pike, bowfin and some of the fish are HUGE!
ec1 said:
Looks like you are going to have to make yourself a trip to somewhere in and around the GTA to make yourself a report. One tip though, the toronto islands are crazy this year!! Some of the members here are catching bass, pike, bowfin and some of the fish are HUGE!

Toronto Islands sound great, but it doesn't look like I'll have time with school starting very soon. I know a great chub fishing spot that's a 5 minute walk from here at the Humber River, but I doubt that would qualify. Also, we need pictures. Pictures of the fish or the place?

Also I must add, this is a great site that I found completely by accident. I've heard of salmon fishing near Port Hope and searched for the Ganaraska river, which brought me to this site.
Ugh, I submitted a report a few days ago with no response :mrgreen: I'd like to get some fishing in before the 8th!
send a PM (private message) to one of the moderators or the administrator. They'll review your report and will grant you access to the section... providing they approve it.
frozenfire said:
send a PM (private message) to one of the moderators or the administrator. They'll review your report and will grant you access to the section... providing they approve it.

Already did, unfortunately none have been online since I sent in the form.