Well-Known Member
Here in Alaska there are huge salmon runs that move into the rivers at certain times of the year. Chinook start heading into the rivers in early May, Sockeyes in June, and silvers, chum and pink salmon in late July/August. With there arrival the resident rainbow trout, and dolly varden (and grayling) begin focusing on the egg drop and the decaying flesh of the spawned out dead salmon. They gorge themselves with the loose eggs and flesh of rotting salmon flowing down the river.
As a flyfisherman chasing after these fish I will bead fish for them as well as use flesh flys. The fish will take 4" aticulated flesh flys they are so ravenous. There is no better time of year to fish for trout then when the salmon are either dropping eggs or dying.
My question is do you guys use beads and or flesh flys as well to target the resident rainbows and browns? I know you have salmon runs....truley the trout must feed on the eggs and flesh from the salmon. Thanks guys. Fish on!
As a flyfisherman chasing after these fish I will bead fish for them as well as use flesh flys. The fish will take 4" aticulated flesh flys they are so ravenous. There is no better time of year to fish for trout then when the salmon are either dropping eggs or dying.
My question is do you guys use beads and or flesh flys as well to target the resident rainbows and browns? I know you have salmon runs....truley the trout must feed on the eggs and flesh from the salmon. Thanks guys. Fish on!