Rapala App!

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Oh i remember that thing.
Downloaded it at the Sportsman Show and got 4 free Rapala Army X-Raps for people.

I tried it out since I already had it on the phone. I pressed a combination of something like warm-bass-deep-sunny, and it gave me a X-Rap Prop.
Deleted it ASAP.
I use a Duo Realis popper in 15-25 ft of water for smallies on sunny flat mornings. water temps sometimes play a factor so I mean the app cant be all that bad. However, its just a way of advertising their products. I think its really smart and to the average person, I am sure it helps.
Species - Chinook
Water Depth - 1.3 ft
Water Temp. - Who cares
Weather - Mildly snaggy

Lure to use - treble.