Raven IM8 float rod

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2014
Does anyone use this rod for east trib steelhead/kings? I want to get a decent quality float rod (11'6 to 13'6) as I already have a 10'6, but I have heard that the IM8 is a stiff, beefy rod. Also, would you fish 4lb leaders on it, as that's what I normally use for steelhead (for kings I use 8 ). I was also considering an 13'6 IM6 winter edition, because it seems a little bit less noodle-like than the standard IM6, but it might be a bit long for east tribs. I think It would make a nice pier float rod though. If someone has used either of these rods, your opinions would be appreciated.
I fish a 13' IM8 2-piece on the east tribs with leaders ranging from 4.4 to 8. I've only fished a handful of rods but from my experience the IM8 is not overly stiff. The IM8 is not a whippy rod. It feels a little heavy after a full day on the water but if you want a rod that can turn a large fish yet handle 4lb leaders, the IM8 does those things.

I have friends who fish 13'6 and 14' and the length is fine for the lower stretches but I find 3-piece rods a hassle to hike with. Never used the 13'6 IM6 but the 11'6 IM6 is a stiff rod, great for kings. I also heard the longer standard IM6 is a noodle.