reel capacity

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it all about your spool diameter
also do u want to use Dacron or Gel Spun?
Dacron---reason I ask is I use an orvis access mid arbor 3 right now with 100 yards of backing---my new reel to replace this one holds 60 yards...I think I will be fine--so far I don't catch fish at all--maybe no backing is needed .? lol
you'll never get into your backing in this part of the country, your fly line is 100yrds, whens the last time you had 100yrds of line out on small ontario river? (small compared to western rivers) fish starts to run, you can chase after it pretty easy, where on the big rivers out west, a fish can run to other bank and be into your backing
Fly line backing serves 2 purposes. Fly lines are relatively short 90ft. so if you hook a large fish and he runs beyond the 90 ft. of your fly line then you will have 100 yds. or more of backing line to play your fish. Backing also serves to increase the diameter of the fly reel spool so your fly line will not be wound in such a tight coil which is a problem because fly lines tend to retain this coil. So the bigger the diameter of the spool/backing combo, the looser the coils. For normal trout fishing, 20 lb. Dacron Hi-Visibility backing is good

without backing you could lose that fish of a lifetime.
remyboy1 said:
Dacron---reason I ask is I use an orvis access mid arbor 3 right now with 100 yards of backing---my new reel to replace this one holds 60 yards...I think I will be fine--so far I don't catch fish at all--maybe no backing is needed .? lol
:lol: :lol: :lol:​
and no reel, or rod...or anything​
Hey bro...60-70 is fine unless you're targeting salar like I did on the Mirimachi with a 6 wt...then you'll very quickly find out 100yrds. AIN'T NUFF!!!​
salar and I do not have any meetings planned with the ole 6 wt--so I should be fine--I have my heart set on this hardy reel so I wanted to make sure because it is a larger arbor so it holds less line....thanks guys
I use my 6wt for bass here and for trout in New Zealand, 50 yards is good, I have never been spooled.
