reel position

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Sep 13, 2012
I have a 13ft st croix it has rings for the reel was just wondering were is the best position for my float reel.
I thought more of a but at the end would give my arm something to anchor against when fighting a big fish.
Then i was thinking the further down the reel was it would give me more pole to fight the fish with.
just wondering if anyone had any advice. thanks
i have my reel about six inches down from the top . so i can rest the lower part on my forearm for support
that's what I do, you can even then rest it on your stomach during a prolonged fight. It comes in handy fighting a big chinny or a a double digit steelie. I see a few guys have it near the butt buy I think trays just a remnant of people who have seen a spey rod used for a pin, I find that style has poor balance and causes arm fatigue much more quickly.
While there is the issue of support, you might also want to consider balance. If the reel is too far forward you can get a tip-heavy rod which can suck to hold for hours. It's amazing how nice a balanced setup can feel.
Everyone has a different preference. Your best bet is to go out and fish a full day with the setup you currently have. If it works for you and you don't find yourself having to constantly lift the rod tip, you should be good.. if you find that you are, adjust the reel position accordingly.
The only way of knowing where you want the reel placed, is to fish with it.

GL! :smile:
Thanks for the advice i have the reel about six inches from the top.
Will try moving it around and see what happens. thanks again.