Remove rogers monthly download cap petition

Ontario Fishing Forums

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oh man, I hate rogers so badly and I just signed up to their service not long ago...
I think I'm capped at 90gb with the extreme, but the internet SUCKS for its pricing...I am loading even pages like these very slowly.
although 90gb is plenty enough for me to watch a movie / tv show every night I go sleep, more would make me feel safer :mrgreen:
Canada is so far behind other countries in Internet and Cell Phone services and prices. All because the CRTC will not open them up for competition and Telus/Bell/Rogers rules the industry. So we are stuck with Bad customer service, overpriced equipment and are slaves to these company's. A shame since Canada used to be a world leader in high speed internet. You have to also love when people in third world countries have better cell-phones and a much better plan then you.