Reviving lake simcoe

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2008
Wed Jan. 21 Toronto Star Lake Simcoe Protection Plan
Limits on shoreline developement, decrease polutants such as phosphorous, better control of storm-water runoff
and best of all...returning its fish population to vigorous levels.
follow this this plan...get involved in its implemetation....
we love our lakes
we must protect them
we must be actively involved in the solutions and restoration of our lakes and rivers
staying informed is a first step in this process
I agree wholeheartedly with your statement!! I have a cottage in the Lagoon City area, which to my understanding has been trying to expand the developement; they have been refused permits by the MNR and other gov't agencies but are still trying to gain approval for a championship size golf course and we need more courses in the area!!
The cottage-owners group as well as others similarminded groups continue the fight against rampant and reckless expansion.
Ya get informed and stay active...NICE!!! Fight the good fight, lets hope we can bring alot of our water systems back, I was reading the other day that the Don River, yes the Don is begining to make a comeback, can you imagine...I mean i remember the humber 20 years ago, look at it...lets keep it going!
Magyarguy I'm gunna play devils advocate here. I'm sure people were against the original expansion that included all the cottages in the surrounding area people currently own? Am I wrong?

I don't have a problem with better rules/guidelines but what I have a problem with is how can people with a cottage argue against more expansion with any balanced opinion?

You have your land so no one else should get there's? Need a better solution sorry unless u all agree to tear down your water front cottages and move then why should u have the right to say no? I think fair is fair.

I think this has the smell of protecting the crazy property values of cottages agaist devaluation more than anything else.

Don river: I don't understand why that river dosent produce it should, I heard it's becasue of the storm water run off over heating the water making it uninhabitable by cold water species such as trout.
thier is nothing wrong about the land that golf courses take up it's what they do after they're built. the golf courses in ontario all together use three times the equivilant of the muskoka lakes to water thier grass each year. and if that isn't bad enough thier saturating it with 10,000 metric tones of fetilizer, most of this eventually drains into the great lakes. :D
"10,000 metric tones of fertilizer"

In Canada we are blessed with an over abundance of water so out goes that argument.

As for fertilizers well go with something natural not toxic as they implemented here in T.O.

I don't want all that washing into the lakes either but can't the same be said about every lawn that buts up against the lake all the roads all the sewer drains with no filters a golf course is hardly the main culprit to our environment hear just a scape goat?

I just don't see a valid argument against it yet not that I want it but if your going to fight it lets get some decent defendable points not just road blocks that can be overcome!

I hate golf by the way!
some good info about lawns. if you are using fetilizer and pestiside on your lawn, DON'T. there is a much easyer way to have a graet looking lawn. let weeds grow and scatter grass seeds once a month. if weeds dont grow find a way to get somthing like wild clover growing. even in the worst drouts you will have a soft, lush, green lawn and be the envy of all your environment ruining neighbours(if you have alergies do get rid of allergy causing weeds) i know this from experience! :D

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