Rod broke

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2012
Some stupid half head nook just broke my okuma aventa 15'6, if anyone has a bottom section to one ( maybe the top of yours broke) Consider it sold lol If anyone knows of any rod repair places please post the numbers!! I guess im on the fly for the next few days lol On the plus we got it on film !!video to come
I have only broken one rod ever but i threw it in the trash. Anyway the internet is you best resorce. Google it.
FISHING ROD REPAIRING or something like that.
I can most likely fix it. Need to see the break. most likely if its the bottom section jsut need to cut each side of the break aback a bit, insert another piece of fishing rod, glue it, wind thread over the repair and rod winding epoxy, its pretty simple acually.
I found someone on another forum with a butt section to replace mine!! Hes a bit of a drive away but I guess I gotta stop and try my luck for the first time for some gbay steelhead on the way back to make the drive worth it :) thanks everyone!!
Hey Ridx

Do believe this about graphite rods and cold weather cracking or exploding? I've been reading some of this, some rod builders say it's crap. What do you think?

Hope it works out for you. I would hate it if someone else broke any of my rods. If I did it I'd be so mad at myself so not as bad. What is a nook?
nook = chinook

What was the culprit? Leader too strong or did the rod have a weak spot?
I was thinking it was a Barnes and Noble e-reader Reading it and dropped it onto
Should have had a streamside 17' .. I was blowing 12lb lead all day last year I was told I couldn't break it so I tried and failed I'm still amazed by the power of that rod!!