Rods when not in use

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2010
Having some issues when breaking down my rod when i'm done fishing. Do you guys keep your shot lines and leaders attached when youre done fishing or does it all come off and get re-tied when fishing again. I have to experiment with the length of line out when i break my rod down so i can find a spot to place my hook and it just seems easier to cut the line at my main line swivel. This brings me to my next point...does anyone use a snap swivel when float fishing? seems it would be fairly easy to use a barrel swivel on your main line and attach your shot line to your main with a snap. would eliminate knots on the river if you pre-tied your shot lines and leaders. Thanks!
When not using shot line just slide the shot to the swivel slide the float down an you wont have a problem.. With shot line it would be more of an issue dependent on lenth of shot line.. You can always cut below main swivel and put the shot line leader and hook in a rig keeper.. Then just tie to main swivel when goin to fish again. That has worked in past for me anyways.
All comes off at the end of the day. I store my shot lines and leaders together on tackle tamers so when I set up I select the float ,based on flow, and put it on then I attach the sho tline with leader. That means I only tie one knot.
staffman said:
All comes off at the end of the day. I store my shot lines and leaders together on tackle tamers so when I set up I select the float ,based on flow, and put it on then I attach the sho tline with leader. That means I only tie one knot.
I spent the day thinking about it and thats the decision i decided to go with. I made my own little tackle tamer out of a little pvc pipe and face cloth. I made up 4 shot lines with leaders and 3 leaders on their own. Fits nicely into the waist pack along with the other gear. Thanks for the input guys
I leave everything attached and brake the rod down. Used to pre tie leaders and shot lines but haven't In a while, I just do it while fishing.
i usually take off my leader but leave my shot and float on. depends really and how soon i expect to be out again. if im putting something away for a couple months ill take it all off, but if im going day to day ill keep my rod in the vehicle ready to go. just tie a quick leader on and drop a line.
helps having several leaders ready to go in yuor kit

now if im going for a couple of days in succession ill just leave it all on, even my lead. but sometimes that can bite you in the ass when a big fish hits and your leader has a kink in it from being folded up..
wishniwasfishn said:
Having some issues when breaking down my rod when i'm done fishing. Do you guys keep your shot lines and leaders attached when youre done fishing or does it all come off and get re-tied when fishing again. I have to experiment with the length of line out when i break my rod down so i can find a spot to place my hook and it just seems easier to cut the line at my main line swivel. This brings me to my next point...does anyone use a snap swivel when float fishing? seems it would be fairly easy to use a barrel swivel on your main line and attach your shot line to your main with a snap. would eliminate knots on the river if you pre-tied your shot lines and leaders. Thanks!

Yes I have a few customers that use the snap swivels . The pre tie leaders with a snap swivel and then when the break off the just snap on a new leader
I personally just leave everything including the leader, shot and float on as I usually fish large water.
Matter of preference I suppose, but I personally take everything off. The line clip on your spool (assuming your using a spinning reel) is a nice little feature on most spinning reels that I always use after an outing. Then I break down my rods

I'll even turn my drag to its minimal setting, but thats just me =)