salmon fishing missasauga area help

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Nov 1, 2011
hello i am new to salmon fishing the rivers and i am looking for some tips! i was hoping for some tips on what kind of gear to use i have a centre pin float rod set up but i am wondering what size hooks to use, bait, etc. if you would be willing to share some decent spots to try that would be great too, thanks!
Is it still a little early for them to be in the river? If so how do I know when they have moved in? Keep checking on here lol
The river you're thinking of peaks around late September so I don't think now would be the best time. Out east should be pretty good though after this rain.
When you say east where are you referring to?

Rainbow said:
The river you're thinking of peaks around late September so I don't think now would be the best time. Out east should be pretty good though after this rain.
There's a good youtube video of whasisname 'pinning for chinnies in the whirlpool, #2 gamakatsu hook and a big chunk of skein, half oz of weight under a slip bobber.

It's not exactly rocket science. Right now, you're fishing off piers, mostly.