salmon spawning in Owen Sound?

Ontario Fishing Forums

Help Support Ontario Fishing Forums:

As a general rule on this board specific tribs are not named in an effort to keep over fishing and the chaos of crowds hitting certain areas at once.

As well it is generally frowned upon when a new user pops in looking for specific information without any other real contribution to the site or community as a whole. i.e. first post being a question such as yours.

Not trying to be a dick at all but there has been a ton of posts like this over the past week or two and they generally develop into 25 responses of telling you go look, read the rules or truly sarcastic replies (which I find funny as hell).

Just saving you some time and welcome to the forum
Thanks for the heartfelt welcome. I hope you find my sarcasm as funny as hell too. I took my 14 y/o salmon fishing last year and he caught one our first and only time out ever. Of course he is itching to get back out, so I was only trying to save some time and gas by avoiding the 4 hour drive if they are not running yet.

Sorry for being such a pain in the a$$
Longshot apparently you miss understood that I was trying to let you know in a polite way how many of the members here feel. I was trying to do it in a way that would stop the pages of posts and flame war that soon follows.

Nobody said your a pain in the ass.
People are usually tight lipped about this kind of stuff since posting it on a public forum like this is not a good idea. During this time of year, many people who do not contribute check these forums daily for the sole purpose of finding out where the fish are running. This would bring unneeded pressure to whichever river system mentioned.

Hopefully someone who is from that area can message you over private message and let you know.
If you are 4 hours from OS you probably have a different trib that's closer. The lake O fish are much larger that GB and huron salmon.
I was surprised by that, I thought the 22 was going to win, I think last years was like 20-21.