Welcome cmop
Where ever you get them from they are priceless. In rivers for steelhead or lakes for bass and pike. The clearer the water the deeper you'll be able to see. The glare impedes your ability to see beyond the surface. I still have mine from 20 years ago from LeBaron. In particular, if you at all fly fish, the wrap around style will protect you from getting a stray fly into your eye. I was once standing on a high river bank when my tiny jig got stuck on a rock or sunken log, trying to loosen it was hopeless. I then turned my back to the lure, tightened my drag to the max to break off, I pulled and pulled and it popped off and came shooting out of the water. It hit the inside lens of the polarized glasses bounced off my cheek bone and stayed there between my cheek and glasses. At the time I was fishing alone, so if it went into my eye I would have had to drive with one eye to the hospital. These are my lucky glasses and I still use them over my prescription glasses. Well worth the money.
Here is how you can check if glasses are polarized. You need to be wearing a LCD watch or have a calculator, hold the glasses so you can see the watch or calculator, pivot the glasses. You should see the face of the watch or calculator turn totally black. If they don't then they are not polarized. You can also do this with 2 pairs of glasses, one lens will appear to turn black.
Good luck and protect your eyes.