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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2012
Is there a decent place to fish silverbass this time of year? I'm coming from KW area. I have heard longpoint is a good place from shore?
Are they even in season right now?
I don't really catch many white bass, but I do catch a few white perch (which is a very similar fish) around this time, especially in shallow bays in lake Ontario when they move shallow. I've heard Erie has quite the white bass population so you might be able to catch a few in the long point area.
Most tributaries of Lake O and E have runs of them, you should be able to get some if you cast worms, minnows and small spinners this time of year.
i know theres a lot of them in erie but they are tiny compared to the ones up north, the ones around here don't usually get over 4 pounds, they usually hit jig and grubs, minnows, worms, etc. Never had any hits with a spinner though, i don't fish them around here too much at least not ounce i found out about how many and how big they get up north.
Last summer in Sarnia under the bridge I stood in the water with my buddy's and caught them almost every cast for at least an hour straight on a little spinner , good fun