Size of Popper and Line Weight?

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Sep 24, 2010

Rainy's Rattlin' Foam Frog

Last week I was trying to throw this popper but I was having little success getting a good rhythm going. I could start getting it going but as I start to extend the fly out further I would eventually lose my cast and it would start hitting the water. I could feel the fly on each cast -- especially on my back cast. I am using a 4wt double tapered line and was wondering if that makes a difference or was it simply the weight (although extremely light) of the fly itself?

I switched to a smaller popper like the one below and everything felt perfect.


Betts Pop N Hot

Anyone have any idea?
try 7-8wt rod, poppers are considered big flies so you need proper setup to cast them.
try 7-8wt rod, poppers are considered big flies so you need proper setup to cast them.
Agreed even a 6wt would be better, that's what I cast mine on. I would also suggest 6lb or higher tapered leader. I am no expert but this is how I cast my poppers and it works fine for me.

Here's My line up:





Agreed even a 6wt would be better, that's what I cast mine on. I would also suggest 6lb or higher tapered leader. I am no expert but this is how I cast my poppers and it works fine for me.

Those flies are roughly the same size I have used well with the 4wt line. I use a 5lb leader, not tapered.

So we think it would be easier casting a larger fly with a 5 or 6 wt line?