Smokers handling lures

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Jul 8, 2013
Just interested on getting some other peoples opinions. I am a smoker, and I've read that handling your lures between casts, etc. can actually hinder the hold time when a fish hits. I've been a little paranoid since I read the article a couple years back, so I've been using GULP spray (flavor depends on the species i'm fishing for). I usually give my lure a quick squirt of the spray every 4-5 casts.

Am I being over paranoid? Are there any down sides to using Gulp Spray excessively?

FYI. I usually fish for Smallies, Pike, Perch, and Walleye up at the cottage (Trent Severn River by the Big Chute).
Opposite is true if anything. It would mask human smell, and attract them. I've seen too many smokers catch too many fish of all species with cigarettes being smoked one after another to think otherwise.
When I originally read the article a couple of years ago (ill see if I can find it again) I was new to fishing and I guess a little naive. I guess I figured the nicotine transfer from fingers to lure doesn't stop the fish from hitting the lure, but the hold time is reduced. Its probably all in my head and was an easy excuse for missed hits.

Maybe the addictive nature of nicotine will cause the fish to simply jump into my boat to for a quick smoke :)
I have seen fish caught with a butt...they smeel worse than any
Ive always wondered about this when wetting my knot with saliva before tightening and having a butt sticking out of my mouth during the process. But I've fished for years with and without smokes and cant say ive noticed a difference.
you are being paranoid. I'm no fortune teller but I can see you will be catching long as you put your line - hook - bait in the water.
Being a smoker myself, unfortunately. If anything I find I catch more than my non smoking friends, but I really don't think that has anything to do with smoking. I have just spent more time on the water than most of them so I chalk it up to experience.
One thing I started doing years ago was not lighting up when my line is in the water but rather before casts. I used to miss strikes all the time trying to light up. I believe it's sort of like the bus stop thing, light up and the bus shows up or in the case of fishing a fish will hit while you are distracted :lol: .

Meh maybe a bit over the top. I use gloves when tying roe bags and leaders for trout sometimes but that's it. I think the human cent and whatever else your tackle is exposed to could have more of an impact. I know for me personally its more of a problem burning my hands when I let it burn to long while fishing or not being able to pull the smoke outa my mouth because I am busy with both hands. I have also unwittingly cut my line a few times while not paying attention to where my line was. I have had the same problem as Alfie as well.

Often after a time fishing hard I decide to sorta take a break (line stays in the water but Im not going as hard) have a smoke and possible rethink my approach or something. This is often the time a strike happens and sometimes I miss it. I often find myself furiously trying to spit out a but that stuck to my lips while attempting to bring in a fish.
river55 said:
I often find myself furiously trying to spit out a but that stuck to my lips while attempting to bring in a fish.
:lol: :lol: Too funny ( has happened to me more than a few times )

As for the smoking thing, read about it a couple times in fly fishing books. Don't believe it. I do believe in scented baits, they work. Pretty sure steelhead hate garlic. I scented some plastics ( which the fish enjoy chowing down on, even though they smell of plastics ) with some roe juice and went heavy on the garlic... I watched a few fish chomp my bait and spit it out :lol:

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