Split shot - steelhead

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
I am having trouble getting the right balance on my spinning steelhead float set-up. I have 8 pound line,a float, 3 split shot, a swivel. a 4lb leader and then a roe bag. Problem is the roe bag is floating up above the split shot. Think I may have too much split shot weight.

What size split shots should I be using, how many and in what pattern?

I know this is basic stuff but I want to get it right. Thanks.
Good point. I think there may have been. Someone else made the sack. I assume it is best not to.

Only if your Bottom Bouncing in Deep Pools.
Otherwise, NO.

Eggs have "Natural Weight" to them.
So ... only reason they would "Float Higher" than your shot, is they HAD FLOATERS (Foam) in them.

Good observation Garfield.

Sometimes when I want my Roe Bags to be slightly HEAVIER than Normal, I will tie them with a GLASS BEAD inside.
weighted bags are definetaly a good secret weapon used in fast drifts or when picking apart log jams where the bait has to get down to the fish FAST also try in heavily pressured clear water where fish are trained on seeing terminal drifting past them