steel or resi ?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2012
doesnt look like a rezi, rezis usually have some colour to them, maybe one of those young ones that follow the spawners upstream, but dont spawn? ive also caught a few that size, dont think theyre spawning.
what bowslayer says. resis are fully green. yours is steel/silver which means it ran from the lake. this is a resi.

thanks guys, the last encounter with a resi i had resulted in it being in a herons stomach a tangled line, broken rod and a hook trough my finger :evil: not fun lol
they were the low end reels 13 years ago for 350 plus tax. brand new from england if you buy it in cnd dollar about 450 plus freight tax and shipping, but the owner is different. they are bullet proof. but rather heavy. i can sell it to you for around 250 if interested.
go return your raw, a broken stanton from 15 years ago is btter than any okuma crap.
win win for me, buy his stanton for 225, he can buy my r2 and i can buy my zeppelin lol
ChasinTails said:
i was thinking but i just got a raw just curious
stick with the raw2 until your really ready to upgrade. i use a raw 2 too and it does the job just try and keep it out of the water.

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