The Belgian Cast

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Canadian River Angler
May 18, 2011
North Waterloo Ontario
Who here uses this cast to throw out larger/heavy flies for Bass or Pike? And I've read that it helps a lot to use it when its very windy outside. I kinda practiced it today in the yard cant seem to get the motion down properly. Could somebody give me a break down?
i dunno about belgian casts but dem waffles.. mmmmm

but serious things here, its all about maintaining the small loop.
for that you really need to limit the amount of space your rod tip is traveling during casts to a narrow area.

youve probably seens these already but they are helpful none the less

and dont forget many champion flyfishers prefer double hauling where the belgian is more for people who cant manage that. something to look into

good luck bud
The Belgian cast (also called Horseshoe or Oval cast) is more of a continuous motion cast than the usual 'front, pause - back, pause' cast. For a right-handed caster the backcast is a sweep low and to the right - this is good in the wind because the backcast is somewhat below the wind. As well, it is off to the right so with wind from the right the line will not be blown into your face.
The general shape compared to a traditional fore/back cast is more of an oval - with the backward sweep the line is flung behind you and the 'pause' time is now used to bring the rod up almost into the usual position behind, ready for the forward cast, which is made normally.