The local ponds and fishing

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Active Member
Mar 11, 2017
I drove after work to check out this pond in Markham. I was kind of surprised after I saw no fishing sign. I would imagine that it has something to do with zoning low? I know there is tons of decent bass in it. Have a look at the sign as I did a close up so you can get an idea. I am just trying to educated myself on the ponds. Would appreciate some input.
Is that the pond I always see right beside the 407? And how do you know it has lots of decent bass in it?

I don't think it would have anything to do with zoning. More so the city or the rich pricks around that area possibly complaining about fisherman leave garbage around and trashing the place. Or possibly it's a wetland protection area of some sort?
fishfreek said:
And now everyone knows.....bravo.

Who cares? It's a pond right beside the hwy that is marked no fishing and clearly had bass put in it. It's not like it's a small stream filled w native brook trout that could get fished out in a summer.
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finnigan said:
Who cares? It's a pond right beside the hwy that is marked no fishing and clearly had bass put in it. It's not like it's a small stream filled w native brook trout that could get fished out in a summer.
finnigan said:
Who cares? It's a pond right beside the hwy that is marked no fishing and clearly had bass put in it. It's not like it's a small stream filled w native brook trout that could get fished out in a summer.
. By the end of this summer that's what it's going to be a pond with no bass in it. After all it is Markham .
finnigan said:
Who cares? It's a pond right beside the hwy that is marked no fishing and clearly had bass put in it. It's not like it's a small stream filled w native brook trout that could get fished out in a summer.
It's a violation...first, there is clearly a no fishing sign...2nd bass is close until June. I pass by the area from time to time. by bike or by car and have not seen anyone fish the area looks very shallow.
DILLIGAF?! said:
It's a violation...first, there is clearly a no fishing sign...2nd bass is close until June. I pass by the area from time to time. by bike or by car and have not seen anyone fish the area looks very shallow.
Exactly my point. It's a no fishing area so who cares if it's posted online? If anything this thread has saved me the trouble of stopping and finding out for myself. I'm sure some ass hats will fish it anyways, but like I said before it looks like a man made pond someone tossed bass in anyways. It's not gonna be environmentally crippling if a few kids went fishing there once or twice because they saw it here.
People will still fish closed areas. No info should be on Internet but really thats the world we live in now so it is what it is. Thankfully bass are not very sensotive and thrive in many areas and wre not as suppsceptable to pressure and are some more sensitive fish like spekled trout.
Hmm I will pass by in the late Spring and Summer just to inspect if I can spot someone fishing there, but I don't think this is the place where everyone from Markham comes to fish. I think everyone from Markham heads to Scugog Lake to fish and take some fish home. Right on that bridge..... I am more of a trout guy... Love clean water more.
^ and that's why walleye is closed on Scugog. Everyone from toronto goes there to take some fish home.
What is the law of you bring a fish from a random river and toss it in the local pond in my area. There is a pond near my home. I wish ot had some fish in just for sake of it.
IvansFishingVideos said:
What is the law of you bring a fish from a random river and toss it in the local pond in my area. There is a pond near my home. I wish ot had some fish in just for sake of it.
You need a special license to transport live game fish and even then I don't think it's legal to take it upon yourself to stock a public lake.

But I'd say do it anyways just don't get caught lol.

Before you do though make damn sure there's nothing in there already. I'd hate to see you ruin a nice stocked rainbow pond by tossing a 5lb bucket in there to have a buffet.
finnigan said:
You need a special license to transport live game fish and even then I don't think it's legal to take it upon yourself to stock a public lake.

But I'd say do it anyways just don't get caught lol.

Before you do though make darn sure there's nothing in there already. I'd hate to see you ruin a nice stocked rainbow pond by tossing a 5lb bucket in there to have a buffet.
Cool bro. I just want to keep get educated in case if I run into a similar situation. Thanks !
I will do more digging with a deeper, but I am 99.9% sure there is nothing there. It is like 100 feet radius pond in my area..
Matt Rickles said:
Nothing wrong with keeping fish....just some overdo it you know.
I had a chance to spot over on that road that cuts over the lake Scugog. The majority of them don't know what they are doing so they are catching shiners all the time.... If you get a few that are good fishermen, the others will be scaring away the fish for them. So the only option to catch some decent fish up there would be to rent a boat.... Than again, I don't go up there too much so I have a limited details.
IvansFishingVideos said:
What is the law of you bring a fish from a random river and toss it in the local pond in my area. There is a pond near my home. I wish ot had some fish in just for sake of it.
Never ever do it....even if it's the same species. THere are orgs around ontario that does it. You can join if you want.