Tips for bass fishing in the fall

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Feb 8, 2016
I don't have many fall fishing hours under my belt, but this year I'm really looking to get some bigness, hopefully break my PB smallie.

Do you guys have any fall fishing tips for both smallmouth and largemouth?

I fish near bancroft ontario, the water temp on October 1st was about 63 degrees... what are the fishing doing and what will they be doing until closing?
I would consider myself a newb at this, however from what I have been told bass are chasing shad/minnows etc so anything that replicates that would work for you. Flukes, swim baits in those colours, spinnerbaits with white skirts. If I'm incorrect can someone chime in...
Just came back from Rice Lake. Certainly no PB's set but all my bass were off a tiny (1/4 oz?) spoon. Probably could go up a size for those PBs. Good Luck!
It really depends on the day but I find the fall is when the faster presentations (some call power fishing) start to pick up again. Ie: cranks, jerk baits, top-waters...always have a slow-sinking finesse presentation ready for followers or short strikers.

That being said, I had one of my best bass fishing weekends ever a few Thanksgivings ago and all but 3 of the fish I caught were on drop shotted plastics off mid-lake weed humps...but even those I was shaking more than I usually do.

Another good tip is look for green weeds, especially later in the fall, as they'll still be producing oxygen and therefore holding bait.

Good luck, bass fishing in the fall is a great time to get a PB.
Hi, I am new here. I would like to share my fishing stories with you.
In the fall, I prefer one-two-punch way to catch fish. First, I go with crankbait to locate the most active fish. Once I find them, I switch to soft plastic like swimbait to get the big bites. There is no secret for fall fishing. In my mind fish are everywhere. Patience is the key. Regardless what you use and how you use them. On Rice, I fish the river more.....
Some of my biggest Bass came in the fall, try lipless crank baits to get those active feeders to commit.
Move up shallower, if you can find where they are they'll be feeding heavy on baitfish, stocking up for the winter. Throw a 4 or 5 inch soft plastic swimbait or fluke and you'll catch em good (if you find them). Pay attention to the water temps, if it's a cold day slow down or downsize, play around with your retrieves etc.. Jigs are great any time of year, if you're looking for tanks keep a jig in your hand and pitch pitch pitch.

Also look for things that would still hold some more warmth like wood. If the weeds start dying off look for the patches that are still alive, the bass will congregate to that.
Fall fishing is some of the best memories you will make. Fish are starting to feel the pressure of winter and will start to fatten up for the winter months. You will find Bass more active feeding on moving baits such as minnows and small panfish. This is a great time to look for weed beds and fish the edge of them. It will give you a higher percentage of catching fish in an ambush environment. Spinnerbaits, Jerk Baits, Crank Baits and Chatter baits will be key this time of year. Go out find your favourite weed bed and giver!

Hope this helps,

Henry Legend Boats