Too much wrong information about opener

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Dec 29, 2009
Collingwood Ontario Canada ...
Could someone please try to exsplain why there is so much info / Wrong info about the rainbow trout opener some say the 24 of april and some say what i had allways thought since i was a kid that it was the last friday / saturday ,Midnight on friday night meaning technically its saturday when its :12:01 and thats when i allways thought it opened ...I did get messed up last year and missed the whole first week due to leap year ,

So Basically I am hoping someone can give me awnsers to these questions.

Ok I live in Collingwood Ontario .
I think that makes me zone 16 but im not sure.
And Iam refering to the real date to this years rainbow trout opening season on the Pretty River.

Those are the questions I need help on .I do thing that it opens at midnight on the 27 then u can start fishing when the clock hits 12:01 which would then be the 28 of april
Any help on those 3 questions would be very apprecieated.

Thank you. The Red_Devil
Well this is a little bit late but yes you are right the season opened up at 12:01am on the 28th. I didnt check the regs for any exceptions for that river but as long as there arent any exceptions you are good to fish there from this point on.
Last year there was five Saturdays in April. I remember that there was confusion back then. This year is four. Always the fourth sat of April