Toronto and GTA Recreational Fisheries Plan

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Jul 10, 2008
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, have undertaken the task of developing a Recreational Fisheries Plan.

Public Meeting and Official Presentation:

Tuesday October 29, 2013

Metro Hall, Room 308 and 309

55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6

Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

We encourage everyone to attend the meeting to learn more about the plan and provide input

In October and early November there will be five identical public meeting in the Greater Toronto Area regarding the Urban Recreational Fisheries Plan. We encourage everyone to attend a meeting to learn more about the plan and provide input. The meetings will be held at the following locations:

Thursday October 17, 2013

Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Office

100 Whiting Avenue, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 3T3

Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Thursday October 24, 2013

Pickering City Hall, Council Chambers

One the Esplanade South, Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7

Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Tuesday October 29, 2013

Metro Hall, Room 308 and 309

55 John Street, Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C6

Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Tuesday November 5, 2013

Clarke Memorial Hall

161 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, Ontario L5H 1G3

Doors open at 6:30 PM, presentation starts at 7:00 PM meeting to conclude at 9:00 PM.

Ajax TBA
Do you want to know what fish are in your area, where they are?
New fishing access points for shore fishing are being decided...want to give your input?
MNR fish stocking...what , where, and how you want to give your input?
Family fishing days...your input?
Enforcement issues... have your say.
Anything to do with recreational fishing is on the table to talk about after the presentation.
This is your time to interact with those who will develop the future of fishing in the GTA.
Attend a meeting and get involved.
yes thanks....Awesome that you will be coming! Its a terrific opportunity to learn about the changes to recreational fishing in the GTA and have some input in the future of fishing in the GTA.
Nice! Everyone who's held a fishing pole in the city should attend this... Show the politicians that the shoreline isn't just for the condo onwners!!! .. Don't be lazy!