Toronto islands june 17

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Jul 10, 2008
Toronto islands june 17
16 degrees and overcast morning
18 degrees rainy and windy afternoon
water clear but low light visibility
9:30 am started at swan pond...
located a bowfin with blue markings on fins and belly...male spawning
passed up on other targets so not to spook this one.....
finally the situation is possible to catch him as he migrates through the pond on the morning tour
i offer the worm and hook...he takes it... turns and realises something is amiss and runs ...i set hook only to remove it from his mouth while he headshakes me... :oops:
i am swarmed by 150 kids on a day trip with a worried teacher...don't go near the water...but they keep approaching me to ask questions...i am too much a distraction so i move on ....
over across from forestry island new docks have been put out temporarily for this weekend's dragonboat races...
i fish from the docks with an extended reach into the currents and depths....hoping in vain for pike...wrong time of day but i am begging the fishing gods that the weather has changed the pike's minds...its gonna rain for days...
eat now such luck
i fish all the bays i know from here to trout pond...looking for bowfin and cat fish with worms....
the only fish i see are a catfish who swims away and a few carp seeking mates or driving off competitors....
trout pond....its afternoon and so far shut out....noooooo :roll:
i see at cat fish in the lily pads and he is a large one ...a good target to find some game...
cast and cast and lose 7 worms on pads and branches and i am frustrated...
cast again at him and bam a huge bass hits it...which i lose in the pads.... :lol:
i move on to next spot and 3rd cast wham-o bass him and quickly release as out of season...
move on to another spot....10 missing worms...each time i get closer to hooking the greedy thief
i can't see what it is beating me each time but i know its gonna pay the price cause i got all day and i am a little discouraged and too hungry to lose this battle... :wink:
fish i am excited...its running all over the place....but i gotta be careful of pads and bushes and trees...
sucesss....surprise.. my first ever island slab ...or what ever it is...its made my day
i have not seen one of these guys out here until a week ago and never this big...yessssss :evil: View attachment 7065
i release after pics...
next stop the dock...bowfins and catfish and carp.,..
wham-o i catch a 4.5 pound bass....released...2 more weeks and you will get your photo taken with me like it or not fish..
bingo another catfish but he is smart...he heads for the pads....then under the logs then under the dock...for a little guy he had a lot of zip and :oops: View attachment 7066
gotch ya ...pic time
move to the canal that leads to hanlans point...pike hunting but its 3:30 a little early but i got go into work for a 5pm
i put some raw chicken liver and rub down my lure with it...wash my hands and start casting...15 minutes pass and a trip along the canal produces one good follow...
i try the docks on which i caught a pike yesterday....but it is now raining hard and it ain't gonna stop...its been rainning for 1.5 hours pike today its off to work...
here is a pic of a section of map i can magnify and get the idea of what info it provides...View attachment 7067
you can buy these at the gov't map store at university and adelaide streets in toronto
they got maps of can also order on line and have it can get paper maps, gps maps or computer maps...your pref
note today's pike follow was of a hj-10 gold suspending husky jerk that was custom weighted...
the rest of todays fish enjoyed a buffet of worms provided by yours truly...
note that i am always fattening up my fish friends...when you catch them they will be bigger this way. :oops:
on a final note: rumour has it that on monday the ferry workers will vote to ferry service
no worries for bass openner... if they are still on strike ...kearney and i are offering a shuttle service to and from islands in our new boat ..."bowfin" :oops:


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Great report!
Wow, seems like you guys will hit the islands everyday.
I've only gone once this year!
Chibi called me yesterday and said she wanted to get into some bowfin (cause she saw all your reports with awesome bowfin in breeding dress).... so who knows, we may head down and you'll see us at the swan pond with worms :oops:

Nice bluegill too! Don't really see them often at the islands! They are definitely a very crafty fish and will readily take any worm offerings without even touching the hook!

Hopefully the ferry service continues so I can enjoy your reports to come. :oops:
oo oo I really wanted to go, but had to visit a friend in fron vancouver...and I wanted to go today as well, but had to hang with an old friend...and tommorrow I can`t go...dr app and lawyer apps so the day is just a right and then the weekend, boy I am gonna miss that as well. Great report Tangledline, success at any rate. Good on ya!! when you off next week?
if those city workers go on strike...

ferry service to toronto island will stop.