Tweed area yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2010
Did a fair bit of fishing in yesterday's rain and t-storms in the Tweed-Madoc area.

Found some great pools for pike and smallies.

My first catch of the day was this extra-vicious looking pike - I had no idea what it was when I was fighting it. I got it out of a deep pool, and was thinking it might be a musky. A lot of yellow on this pike and strange markings. It was covered in those little black parasitic dots.



All I could get out of the Black River was this bluegill:


Stopped at Moira Lake briefly on my way home:


And I did some more bass fishing this morning at an undisclosed Lake Ontario marina, found some real big ones which I hope to catch next time:


The Marina Bass are usually a sure thing a bit later in the Fall.

I bounce beside the Boats (With care) and get them out like crazy.
You usually hit a 10-1 perch ratio.

Worth going through 9 perch to get one 4-5lb slab.
Nope not that one - wouldn't go there in the a.m. unless it was only to fish the pier.

If we go for bass again I can show you this one - no access issues, lots of good sized smallies, and largies and pike too.

Fished yet another one this evening, always fun to fish new spots.

Re: "My first catch of the day was this extra-vicious looking pike - I had no idea what it was when I was fighting it. I got it out of a deep pool, and was thinking it might be a musky. A lot of yellow on this pike and strange markings. It was covered in those little black parasitic dots."

I'm not an expert by any means but I've been Documenting a Lot Of Photos and Descriptions lately on "Ontario Fish".

The first one you caught looks a lot like a Hybrid "Tiger" Muskie.

I just went through my "Stuff" and found one reasonably good Picture of one.

Maybe??? Anyone else familiar with this Fish?

Fishhawk ...

Good guess at that being a Tiger Muskie ... But I think it's just a Pike with a "Skin condition".

I'm certainly not the expert on these fish, but when you look closely ... it has all the PIKE characteristics - alibeit the weird colouration around the head and neck.

Here's a picture of a Tiger Muskie caught by my friend while fishing Sturgeon Lake last summer:


The "Tiger Stripes" are definately showing.
Tons of fish can have "Weird" deformaties or be "one offs" with their patterns.

But in this case, my money is on the fish being a Pike, not a hybrid.

I agree! :cry: :cry: !!

Tiger is a Lot Greener in Colour and is definatley well marked as such.

SO! I owe you how much now??? :razz:

For the Skin Condition Pure "Aloe Vera" might help them. Yu Think???

Later Buddy.


OH! This Pic came from the www. In a Museum, somewhere in the USA. A Skull from a MONSTER MUSKIE. They said it was 10" High at The Top Of The Skull, NOT The Open Mouth!! Check out the Chompers!!