Tying bucktail

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
As you might have seen I pour a lot of my jigs for bass fishing, as of recently Ive been experimenting with a silicone / bucktail mix for the colder water temps and Im having a hell of a time getting the bucktail on properly.

I went to sail and bought a bobbin and some 3/0 black thread. I havent got a clue on what type of knot to tie, I start by wrapping the thread around the painted lead shank a few times then try to put the hair down on top and wrap over, finishing with a knot to keep it tight.

Im finding the hair looks very messy and not as full as I would like, problem is when I use more hair it buldges up more around the shank photo.JPG
That sounds like a solid idea...

This is purely what I've gathered from watching vids but I hear the double half hitch works well for finishing the tie and it looks like you might just need more hair to add some body to the bucktail and keep those silicone strands pulsing in the water.
Good luck!
it is hard to tell from just your one photo. When I tie my buck tails, I put thread down first , as you said. Then i lay the buck down and secure it as if I was going to put it on the opposite way (can't see the jig HEAD at all, covered by buck). Then i "FOLD" the buck over and back down, fully exposing the head, and then securing/ wrapping the head again. So you are going over the "shank" 3 times, not just twice. 1 premature for grip, 1 for securing the pre fold, and 1 for finalizing the post fold. I wish I had pics or video to show you.
that makes sense, and I also just realized something, I dont need to putting it all down at once lol!!!

I was grabbing big chunks of hair and trying to tie it, I can just do a little at a time, makes sense about bending it over and tying over. How much are you bending over? or folding down rather, 1/4" 1/2"?
AnglerAnonymous said:
that makes sense, and I also just realized something, I dont need to putting it all down at once lol!!!
that's the problem...you can tie it in layers, with each portion a little way up the shank from the last.
I always try to make the jig hair as long as possible when they are finished. I tie it as close to the end as I can securely on the prefold. The more you do, the closer and more precise you can get. I thought I took pictures of it last time I did some but I can't find any - sorry man. And I wont be tying again any time in the immediate future. Also, I do it all in one go, not in layers, but I suppose that could work, it might end up in levels and uneven though.

I tie a ton of buck tail and marabou jigs, and I do them both the same way, so it must be a fairly universal approach. My old man showed me, so I have not watched any youtube videos, however I bet there are some quality tutorials on there.
I just tried one now, worked much better tying a little at a time, I tried folding over the hair like you said but good luck its so stiff id have to use half the length of bucktail. Im only wotrking with like 3" strands
maybe Ill tie a couple tomorrow and show you how I do it. Ill see if I have time. If you find another way that works go for it! what ever is easiest