Uncle steve good or bad?

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Jul 31, 2013
I just spent about an hour watching uncle steve videos on you tube. He seems to do a lot of ""experiments"" and is generally amusing. (to me anyways) I'M just wondering what the general feeling about him is. Entertaining , informative or a waste of time (guess ill never get that hour back). Heres a few links for members that don't know who i'm talking about. apologies to anyone who gets HOOKED in advanced.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RjVIY22_VlQ#t=786 <<-- Berkley gulp! maggots

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zr7Hdop8v7o <<-- yellow bullhead

http://www.youtube.com/user/adamitshelanu/videos?shelf_index=0&view=0&sort=dd <<--his main page (dudes made almost 1000 of these)
Uncle Steve has a mysterious dark side!!! I posted one of those "at-a-boy" comments in his discussions sections and he showed my comment. I began to notice that all the posted comments were pretty much "at-a-boys". I then began to notice that all his individual fishing episodes were blocked from comments and only his flora and insects episodes were open for comments. If you notice, all his flora and insect YouTube views are minimal compared his YouTube fishing episode views. So I chimed in with a positive comment on one of his flora episodes and he posted it. I chimed in another positive comment in another one of his insect episodes and he replied back with some off the wall demential rejection of my comment and he blocked me from any more comments and removed my old comments as well. This guy really has demential problem so I deleted him form my bookmark and have never watched another one of his videos.
I know what you mean, this Uncle Steve may have a dual personality disorder? He does have a mysterious dark side!!! After viewing quite a few of his fishing videos, it does become boring watching him catch these 3 finger size fishes over and over again. Most of us fisherman's do catch and release, we also like to catch a mess to take back home and dress'em up and cook'em, I've yet seen this Uncle Steve catch a mess to take home?

I think you're reading too much into ol' Uncle Steve. :)

But then again, maybe he gives it the hose again if it doesn't rub the lotion on its skin...
Not really, when we the public viewers are spending time watching a YouTuber's Channel and all their back dated videos, posting a question or comment in their discission board deserves an answer, even if it's "No Comment", not block you and remove any previous comments you have made. I have made comments and asked questions on other YouTuber's Channels and those were posted and answered, so what's up with this Uncle Steve?

It's like this Forum, I post a comment and I get an answer, my time is not wasted!!!
Love the one when he turns his back to talk to his camera and one of his fishing rods goes flying into the water.
The way he talks in the third person and is condescending about the most basic fishing possible is funny. I think I made some comments years ago chirping him and he got all mad. He seems to me like one of the guys you run into who know nothing and invest little in it but have nothing better to do. Reminds me of the guy I ran into this weekend on the river sporting slacks a beet gut and fishing a crappy tire fly combo with a red and white float and roe bag lol
I know what you mean, this Uncle Steve has a mental personality disorder? I made two positive comments on his channel and he posted those, I made a third positive comment and he replied back with some off the wall rejection of my comment and he blocked me from any more comments and removed my old comments as well. This guy really has mental problems, if you don't comment as a dumb down "at-a-boy" he thumbs you off and blocks your comments.
He does present himself as a likeable person in his fishing videos, it is when you make a positive comment on his channel, it's like playing russian roulette, he may post your comment or he may thumb you off and block your post and any future comments you may want to contribute. So, this likeable fishing person in his videos is not a very likeable person in his discussion board. I spent almost a month watching his videos all the way back to when he first started, so I made my fist supporting positive comment, he posted it, I made my second supporting positive comment and he posted it, I made my third supporting positive comment and he came back to me with this off the wall rejection of my comment and blocked my comment and removed my past comments. So, this likeable fishing person in his videos is not the same person addressing his viewers in his discussion board.
This good old lovable Uncle Steve did this to me, I gave a few positive comments in his discussion board that were not questions for him to answer but were supporting comments to a particular episode of his. After those few comments his mind flipped out, rejected my comment and blocked me form anymore comments. This lovable person in front of a video camera is not so lovable addressing his viewers in his discussion board. Myself, I will never watch another one of his videos again, a waste of my time.
As you put it, good old lovable Uncle Steve, blocks all his viewers serious comments, all his viewers get to read are those dumd down at-a-boy comments. It doesn't make sence, if going through all that effort to make videos for the public to view and then you slam them in your discussuin board, it just doesn't make good sence. He has got to have a duel personality disorder, on camera you see one personality and in his discussion board you read his other personality. Bad mix for public viewing.
I would not agree on the personality disorder: Good old lovable Uncle Steve is well educated, he has done under graduate research in a couple of Universities in the US and most of his research “corn maize” was done in the field and documented via video much like his flora episodes.

I think this whole Uncle Steve Fishing sensation is by his design.