Using smaller spoons

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
recently been using these more and more.. Especially little cleo's, I love the casting distance (I fish from shore a lot) but I notice that I have trouble with them spinning, especially when I have to reel faster to get it over weeds/structure.. anyone else encounter this problem?

I think I need to start using a snap swivel, but it seemed to happen even when I tied on a swivel, I can't remember 100% though, so this last bit probably isn't very helpful
could try a barrel swivel from your main line to a piece of leader line and tie the leader line directly to the spoon, not a good choice though if you plan on switching your spoon often in that case i would just stick with the snap swivel.
I'll have to test it again next time to see if they're alright with a snap swivel, if not i'll try your method.. I think while I was having these issues I just had had the line tied straight to the spoon's split ring, which was pretty dumb on my part

edit: then again another part of me thinks that even with a swivel if you reel too fast it'll spin regardless, so maybe little cleo's are not a great option in shallow water or water with lots of snags
i hear ya spoons can be effective and are great for casting from shore, but if you get them snagged up can be hard to get free
I'm gonna do some experimenting and let you guys know, I have a bad habit of reeling my spoons too fast, but sometimes you need to, to avoid those snags/weeds.
Correct me if i'm wrong but to my limited knowledge about lures...spoons are meant to wobble not spin. In contrary to spinners either way. Spoons are more snaggy than they're heavier reach bottom faster. I only use weedless trailed with yellow grub pike loves them.
I'm pretty sure they're supposed to wobble too, which is why I see the spinning as an issue, I've heard tons of people praise weedless spoons for pike, i'm long overdue to grab a few