Visiting from BC

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Jun 27, 2015
Hi. I now live and fish in BC. I grew up and learned how to fish in Ontario.
I love Salmon and Trout but I miss bass, perch, pickerel, and pike. There are some limited Bass fishing opportunities here and I take advantage of them. I've been browsing this forum for tips because it's not a hot topic on the BC forums.
I'm also making what a hope becomes at least an annual fishing trip to Ontario this summer.
Thank you for the opportunity and I hope I can contribute something.
Welcome to OFF. Not a bad place. Lots of good people and talk here.
Where are u visiting in Ont?
If you are near Hamilton can definitely find you some Bass, Pike and big Cats

Thanks Alfie. We're going to be around Barrie/Parry Sound. But if I can't find fish I may have to travel.
You should definitely try Honey Harbor then.
French River is not far from Parry Sound. Any place on Georgian Bay in between.

We just spent five days staying at Helve Lake fish camp in the Limberlost Forest Reserve near Huntsville.
It was a beautiful spot and exactly what we were looking for. No trophy fish but enough action to keep the kids interested.
There is a trail system there and boats are kept at every lake. You just hike over to the next lake with your gear and start fishing. We fished Helve, Buck, and Poverty Lakes.
We both trolled and casted and had success with both wet/dry flies, spoons/spinners, and imitation/live worms.
We spent part of one day just hiking and casting in likely spots. Lots of feisty small mouths.
Overall a great experience. I'd definitely consider going back when I could fish a little more seriously.