Walleye stocking in Hamilton Harbour

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
I thought Hamilton Harbour would be the last place to have walleye but came across this article, saying that water qulity is now, after several decades, is clean enough form them


Really encouraging to see them coming back
Would be nice to start seeing more walleye in Lake O marinas. Walleye have a preference for well oxygenated, deeper waters, but I've seen them living in still, poorly oxygenated and fairly shallow waters. I wouldn't use them as a yardstick for water quality - that says a lot about the state of Hamilton Harbour :lol:
Awesome news!

I have heard of the odd die-hard that heads out onto the harbour these hot nights throwing rattling plugs for big pickeral.... rumour has it they were strays from Quinte area that arrived on their own. That is what happened in Port Dalhousie harbour in the late 80s/early 90s and boy were those fish big, still are!
Yeah, that is the plan! They have developed an appetite for gobies!

Wish they would stock the TORONTO HARBOUR!
That would be Cool.

I've never caught a Walleye (Pickerel) in the GTA.

..... someday.
Wish they would stock the TORONTO HARBOUR!
That would be Cool.

I've never caught a Walleye (Pickerel) in the GTA.

..... someday.

I have seen photos of walleye caught in the Toronto Harbor (in a sampling effort, by electric shock I think) - so the signs are good, they are coming back
Salmo im not sure that walleye prefer deep cool water, look at Rice and Scugog shallow eutrophic lakes with heavy weed growth and turbid murky waters.
Salmo im not sure that walleye prefer deep cool water, look at Rice and Scugog shallow eutrophic lakes with heavy weed growth and turbid murky waters.

When given the choice they do. In the rivers I fish, pike, bass, and trout can be found throughout the water systems in any depths, whereas you will only catch walleye in the deepest pools, usually found below dams where the waterfall creates extra oxygen due to the fast running water in addition to the added depth.

I fished a spot after dark today on Lake O, hoping to maybe get a walleye. Only had the patience for about 20 minutes tonight because I was fishing quite a bit throughout the day. No walleye, but I remain hopeful that they're in there.
I have lived in or around the Hamilton area for much of my life. I have fished the harbour many times from shore and boat. I don't care if they put a Mutant Freshwater Halibut in there. I will never eat anything that comes out of that stagnant spit bucket. Just clean it up and let nature take it's course. Introducing Pickerel to that area is a lost cause. The Carp and Cats will rape and pillage any spawning grounds Pickerel choose in there.
The Carp and Cats will rape and pillage any spawning grounds Pickerel choose in there.

Yup lol, from what ive seen in that area all of the shallow bays are owned by carp. They tried to save some spawning ground in Cootes Paradise to help out the native species but im not sure how much luck they had. There needs to be more follow through on conservation efforts if they expect to get anywhere. Unfortunately with all of the vocal efforts of carp conservationists there are alot of road blocks involved.