I think it's ashame that we could only send 2500 troops fro such a large and well off country.
Not for war but I would like to see a decent size navy/army and air fource give CA some teeth again!
Heck we can't even potrol our cost lines, we buy used subs that the UK scrapped go figure that one out!
We um and ah for two years about purchasing the heavy lift planes still nothing in the pipeline.
We place an order for Z# of choppers the next goverment cancels and we pay the penalty.
Waste and waste after waste.
CA is one of the most Tech advanced places in the world and the few naval ships we have are considered among the most high tech but common you need more than a couple to consider it a navy!
No disrespect intended, The people in the armed fources work with what they got and they do a great job.