Hello there.... On Monday night I witnessed a die-off of Hornyhead chubs on Niagara's Welland River and am curious what i exactly witnessed. Once in my canoe I collected a dozen or so in the throes of dying. I also found one dead pumpkinseed, very fresh floating with them. The water quality has been very poor lately and we have had bad bouts of blue-green algae. Three weeks ago I reported a very nasty chemical spill. I have contacted some agencies and await feedback. Any ideas why these great little chubs would be dying? I have also seen a recent study on the Welland River that did not list the Hornyhead chub as a resident fish which I found both curious and interesting. Anyone have any ideas on what I witnessed? Very sad to watch as a naturalist and angler. I haven't seen anything like this in 20 years living on the banks of the Welland. Thanks for your thoughts!