I wouldn't suggest it. Tried it last winter, it beds very easily with its low diameter. Cast very well but wraps loose on your spool. I switch back to mono which is much more economical anyways
i have it on a couple spinning reels, works wonders for gar fishing, if anyone here does that except me, lol, i like it, it casts far, smooth, no stretch, its good, but i definently wouldn't recommend it for a pin.
I've read that it is the best line going until the temperature drops below freezing then most switch to monofiliment because Nanofil isn't good when guides start icing up.
I use it extensively on spinning reels for live bait, plug and jig fishing, all with a fluoro leader. Superlines don't belong on float reels in my opinion, I use mono only, and yes nanofil is not very good in the freezing temps!