When Bass Feed

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
I understand that Bass in rivers like the Grand stop feeding when the weather gets cooler. Given that it is expected to be warm this weekend, will they feed again or are they pretty much done?
I understand that Bass in rivers like the Grand stop feeding when the weather gets cooler. Given that it is expected to be warm this weekend, will they feed again or are they pretty much done?

I have not fished the Grand, but anytime you get a cold front all fish stop feeding temporarily, it can be a few minutes to several hours. The past weekend was so cold and wet I didn't want to go out because I believed that nothing would bite. I think I saved myself from getting skunked....lol...

Fish are cold blooded, so as the weather drops so does their level of activity, hence they need less food and feed less frequently. But eventually they have to feed or die, they just have to get acclimated to the colder conditions. On one of the Sat morning fishing shows, the host said that bass/pike strap on the feed bag to gain more fat before winter hits. HINT: the Japanese guy. He was catching LMBs left and right as he was warmly dressed for the cold conditions.

This warm weekend should be pretty good, just look for the usual summer time bass lairs, docks, under logs, weeds if turnover has not started yet. I think that they would be active and I would use the active type of lures, spinner bait, cranks, my fave grubs. Give them all a shot.

Bass, Pike and Walleye don't hibernate they all have to eat thru winter or they will starve to death.

I don't have plans yet but I do want to get out somewhere this weekend and you should too. The action should be fair to good, I say this b/c the moon is not in a good position, but so what. You can't expect to get trophies all the time.....lol.

Good luck, let us know how you made out. :grin:
Hammered a huge bass yesterday really close to shore at my honey hole on the Conestoga River first cast. I stood about 15ft back from the hole and lightly casted my tube into the hole, before it could even hit the bottom the fish just took off. Unfortunately I lost the monster when it did its first jump really close to shore, easily the biggest one ive seen in that area it was probably between 3.5 and 4lbs. I think what happened was as I walked closer to the shore after the hookup my line slackened up giving the fish a chance to shake the hook loose. I was devestated! lol I didnt catch enything else for the rest of the evening.
Bass were feeding last weekend at the islands, but I only caught fish around the ferry docks in amongst the structure in the deeper water. I saw nothing in the shallow canals all day.
Most of what i have read on fall patterns indicates that there will be an increase in fall feeding but also frequent changes in pattern with the shifting temperatures from deep to shallow and back. (before winter in deeper water).

If you can find them over the next few weeks, you should be in for some good sport.....
I understand that Bass in rivers like the Grand stop feeding when the weather gets cooler. Given that it is expected to be warm this weekend, will they feed again or are they pretty much done?

Just as or more important than the air temp are the precipitation forecast, the time of year, the time of day and the bait you will be using.

Given that it's fall, anglers are poised to crush their personal records. Spiders, bears, squirrels, chipmunks, fish, etc are on the feed.

Morning and around sunset are best for bass. My biggest bass are usually caught right after sunset up until around 11pm.

The bottom line is that all fish in the Grand are fattening up now and they are not very picky about what they will eat.