When's the next big salmon run this year?

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Sep 15, 2010
Can someone post here when you think the next big run will be? I (and many others) don't know how to look at the weather forecast and tell when salmons will come.
You can post whenever you see rain in the weather forecast (weeks later is fine).
lol runs are pretty much over now they are in rivers moving up. its almost October that means end of salmon season and time for steelhead season and i cant wait.
float^drifter said:
lol runs are pretty much over now they are in rivers moving up. its almost October that means end of salmon season and time for steelhead season and i cant wait.

Steelhead season :lol:
Then the circus leaves town. The only time that you will see me in the river.
The run is definably going to be at its peak at the credit once it clears. Thats when the fish can be found in all sections of the river. After a while they cuddle up together tight in spots until the rain scatters them again. Thats why people say you should go after them as soon as the water clears and not a week after lol.

I can't wait till the steelhead take over, but I gotta admit ill miss fighting chinooks.
linksku said:
I'm looking for precise dates. Is this weekend good after tomorrow's light shower?

of course. Now is the time if the water is clear. There's no better time...