Well-Known Member
This would seem to be a good time of year to discuss the relative advantages/disadvantages of float fishing vs. bottom bouncing vs. lures.
I live on the Notty, I am relatively new to this ‘game’ and the few fish I have caught have been, except for one, caught on lures. I have tried bottom bouncing and a little bit of float fishing---I don’t have a centerpin and it’s a bit tricky with spinning reel .I have also tried the Bighead a couple of times but there were so many rocks that both bottom bouncing and lures was frustrating with so many snags.
Most folks I see fishing the Notty seem to use floats with roe but I have seen quite a sizeable minority bottom bouncing. I find this surprising because I thought that bottom bouncing would maximize the time the roe is in the ‘strike zone’ along the bottom since the bottom has undulations that causes the depth to vary. It would seem to me that in cases where there are relatively few snags either bottom bouncing or using lures would be the first choice. Or do I have this all wrong?