Wind direction

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2010
I get mixed and contradicting information as what the effect fo win direction on fishing is. Some say that wind blowing to the shore is best as it drives the minnows to shroe and the big fish chase them and some say otherwise. My own personal experince is out of 3 days wind blowing to shore, one day was phenomenal, the other two were terrible, the worst . Any feedback?
are you fishing at the mouth or up river? If you are fishing up river it wouldnt make that much of a difference now because so many fish are already in the tribs. Also the rain we have been having would be more likely to drive fish into the tribs than the rain. My thought would be that the wind would be a more significant factor in a period with minimal rain, for example if there hasnt been any rain in 2 weeks and there is a 45km on-shore wind then there will probably be a fresh run of fish.
Fishing is usually good for me downtown if I get a winter combo of both a sunny day and southerly wind blowing onto the harbourfront or marinas. I get the double help of the sunlight warming the south facing stone walls and waters edge all day, plus the wind blowing all the particles and bait fish into a concentrated zone. Drop shotting off the edge into 20ft of water on these days is usually game on pretty quick!
To pick up on Nado's point a strong sustained on-shore wind will raise the water level in the lake and probably trigger a fresh run of 'bows. This will affect you even if fishing upstream because, once in the river, they will tend to continue on their journey. Salmon fishermen in Atlantic Canada will tell you the fish arrive on high tide like passengers being dropped off a bus.

As far as making any difference now that we've had a bunch of rain and it's late in the season---the only diff I an see is that an offshore wind will freeze your butt whereas an onshore wind will freeze your noogies! :smile: :shock: