Fishing with two rods

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2010
I read that fishing with two rods in Ontario is illegal (unless you're on a boat in one of the Great Lakes or ice fishing). I just wanted to know what the penalty is for fishing with two rods in your possession at the same time. I heard that the penalty is quite stiff if caught.
i think its around $30 + $50 per rod + court charges. you can use two rods on ice anywhere.
From the MNR fishing regulations.
Hooks and Lines – An angler may use only one line, unless otherwise stated in the regulations. Two lines may be used when angling from a boat in parts of the Great Lakes (see Exceptions to the General Regulations) and for ice fishing in many areas (see Ice Fishing, page 11). A fishing line must not have more than four hooks attached.
ICE FISHING-Two lines may be used for ice fishing except in a limited number of waters (see the Exceptions for the Zone in which you are fishing). You must be within 60 m (197 ft.) at all times of any line or tip-up you are using when ice fishing and you must have a clear and unobstructed view of the lines being used at all times. Any spring loaded device which sets the hook for an angler may not be possessed within 30 m (98 ft.) of any waters.
Wow, I didn't know that. I always have two rods going. Not anymore though. It's funny because the last time I was out I was getting annoyed with not being able to feel the bites on the rod I wasn't using.

Ah well, gives me an excuse to just use my new rod and reel.
Just another money grab. No reason for this rule as there are already quotas on how many fish you can catch and possess.
Hey there i was talking to some guy down near the river while trout fishing this year and this question also came up. And a guy beside us was telling us that he was fishing in Port Credit and some old man had to rods out and one of the MNR guys came up and simply said " what are you doing and then said i am going to be taking your fishing stuff and never to do it agian. " So if that is infact true it may be alot worse then just a small fine.

Thanks Josh Iannuzzi
The thing i dont like about this rule is the georgian bay/great lakes exempt come if you are fishing in a boat you are allowed two rods but if you are fishing off shore in georgian bay/great lakes you are allowed only one? Just another rule to favor people with money as far as i am concerned.
It does really bite also when you arent getting anything and would like to have an extra rod over the side of the boat with a worm to catch some perch or sunfish. I have to agree with sinker on this grab bigtime!
Josh-man would that hurt!! My pike/bass/walleye tackle box has to have over $2000 in it...another reason to follow the rules for sure!!
I think the two line rule from a boat in the Great Lakes is there mainly for the fishing charters and downrigging. Superior only allows for trolling when using two lines.
Hi guys, new to the forum, first post.

Well I think they should allow fishing with two rods simultaneously for certain species, such as maybe carp or channel cats, but I do see a valid reason for having the rule in the first place, which is what do you do if you had a fish on and in the middle of the fight another one took off with the second offering? How would you fight two fish at the same time? If it's big enough, you may just end up loosing your rod and reel anyway. In fact, one time in Montreal (my hometown, grew up fishing there) a guy fishing with us on a local dock had two lines in the water, and in the middle of fighting one fish, his rod got sucked into the water by another fish and he nor any of us had enough time to save it, it was probably a big channel cat or american eel. I also see quite a few anglers using two rods simultaneously every once in a while in the GTA.
I fish only for carp but I have to say that I think two rods is a bad idea. Let's face it. Most people fishing from the bank don't know what they are doing with one rod never mind two. I am not talking about people like yourselves who are avid anglers but the vast majority out there.
We have growing problems with violence on the bank, litter, which gets worse every year, the places to fish from shore are getting less and less every year, unlicensed fishing, trespassing, lack of fishing etiquette, ignorance of the laws and more . Having two rods will not help , but in fact will make many of these problems worse.
I know there are plenty of spots to fish here and they aren't going to disappear tomorrow but if you double the number of rods you effectively half the number of spots available. If we as anglers work on solving the problems I have listed, it will make for a much better experience for all of us. Much better than two rods will.