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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2011
After reading a few posts, and talking to several anglers, I have become somewhat concerned. I understand the honesty behind some anglers targeting suckers in areas we all know will be holding steel, but brining this to the attention of individuals who will surely take advantage of this loop hole is something I can not agree with. Our fishery depends on the anglers like ourselves who target these fish appropriately. If I'm fishing pike after opener and stumble upon spawning bass, I don't keep casting hoping to hook onto the target species, i leave them alone.
All I'm saying is that please use some common sense, i know it'd be tempting casting into a pool full of suckers in prime steelhead staging areas, but let's be honest, there is a lot of open sections of river and lakes, there ate plenty of opportunities to catch species that are not associated with a fish we already put through hell.

I'm NOT trying to upset anyone and I would assume this is going to start quite the rebuttal, and I'm anxious too read others opinions. Let's just leave the bows alone until opener, or find a bait that there is no way a steelhead would smash, as impossible as it seems lol.
The solution to the " sucker " problem is to make each tributary's closed sections into fishing sanctuaries from December 31st until the fourth Saturday in April. This works well on the lake Huron tributaries.
After reading a few posts, and talking to several anglers, I have become somewhat concerned. I understand the honesty behind some anglers targeting suckers in areas we all know will be holding steel, but brining this to the attention of individuals who will surely take advantage of this loop hole is something I can not agree with. Our fishery depends on the anglers like ourselves who target these fish appropriately. If I'm fishing pike after opener and stumble upon spawning bass, I don't keep casting hoping to hook onto the target species, i leave them alone.
All I'm saying is that please use some common sense, i know it'd be tempting casting into a pool full of suckers in prime steelhead staging areas, but let's be honest, there is a lot of open sections of river and lakes, there ate plenty of opportunities to catch species that are not associated with a fish we already put through hell.

I'm NOT trying to upset anyone and I would assume this is going to start quite the rebuttal, and I'm anxious too read others opinions. Let's just leave the bows alone until opener, or find a bait that there is no way a steelhead would smash, as impossible as it seems lol.
This thread probably shouldn’t have been started but since it was started I guess ill throw in a little opinion. To start I will say that you would never catch me fishing in a closed section of river targeting one of the "less desirable species".

With that being said there is something a little off about how people perceive this issue. Picture an older guy who has been fishing a spot on his home river for years and his father has also done the same on that spot for years. Then all of a sudden angling associations think its a great idea to start stocking non-native species like bows and Chinooks. Now all of a sudden these spots which they have been fishing for generations are now closed because of some other species that they don’t even target! It just seems a little off to me that steelhead and salmon seem to trump any other species regulations. One year I caught a smallmouth on Bronte in the spring when it was closed and I was targeting steelhead, I guarantee you wouldn’t see people going nuts over that debate as they do with steelhead. What is really so special about steelhead??? They aren’t even native!

Now while the point I made does have merit I was to reiterate the point that you would NEVER catch me fishing in a closed section of river...NEVER. Its just not right to me that we put steelhead and salmon on a pedestal above other species of fish.
This thread probably shouldn’t have been started but since it was started I guess ill throw in a little opinion. To start I will say that you would never catch me fishing in a closed section of river targeting one of the "less desirable species".

With that being said there is something a little off about how people perceive this issue. Picture an older guy who has been fishing a spot on his home river for years and his father has also done the same on that spot for years. Then all of a sudden angling associations think its a great idea to start stocking non-native species like bows and Chinooks. Now all of a sudden these spots which they have been fishing for generations are now closed because of some other species that they don’t even target! It just seems a little off to me that steelhead and salmon seem to trump any other species regulations. One year I caught a smallmouth on Bronte in the spring when it was closed and I was targeting steelhead, I guarantee you wouldn’t see people going nuts over that debate as they do with steelhead. What is really so special about steelhead??? They aren’t even native!

Now while the point I made does have merit I was to reiterate the point that you would NEVER catch me fishing in a closed section of river...NEVER. Its just not right to me that we put steelhead and salmon on a pedestal above other species of fish.

I agree with You that they have been put on a pedestal, bows much more then chinnys, but with our modern steel/salmon fishery being similar to the Atlantic/brook trout fishery, the same rules would apply I'm sure if not more intense if these costal brookies and the Atlantics still thrived, although the season would be august - December closure.
The bows have litle to no impact on native fish species, and are thriving in out great lakes, we all love to catch them and honestly nothing makes me happier then fishing for them. No fish are comparable. To me anyways. But let's stay on topic!! Lol!
Itsn't it obvious. A steelhead fanatic walking into a sanctuary to fish is at the very least negligence towards the fishery.
Picture an older guy who has been fishing a spot on his home river for years and his father has also done the same on that spot for years. Then all of a sudden angling associations think its a great idea to start stocking non-native species like bows and Chinooks. Now all of a sudden these spots which they have been fishing for generations are now closed because of some other species that they don’t even target!
Moot point, as the water he/she, was fishing should still be open for that particular fish they are targeting.
No angler would go out of their way to target suckers.. Which is the whole point of this thread.
It's the loogans that use the guise of sucker fishing as an excuse to fish closed sections of water to increase their chances of hooking up. No seasoned angler would even bother, as WE know where to smash fish in OPEN/Legal waters.

It just seems a little off to me that steelhead and salmon seem to trump any other species regulations. One year I caught a smallmouth on Bronte in the spring when it was closed and I was targeting steelhead, I guarantee you wouldn’t see people going nuts over that debate as they do with steelhead. What is really so special about steelhead??? They aren’t even native!
Steelhead and Salmon are the premier "Sport" fish in the Great Lakes. That is the only reason why they are more coveted than those that are considered to be of a lesser breed.
Again this is a Moot point as you weren't purposely targeting Bass @ bronte while fishing for steel.

Now while the point I made does have merit I was to reiterate the point that you would NEVER catch me fishing in a closed section of river...NEVER. Its just not right to me that we put steelhead and salmon on a pedestal above other species of fish.
You said this twice in one post.... Sounds like you are trying to convince us and yourself that.. "you would NEVER catch me fishing in a closed section of river...NEVER"
-Just sayin..
looks like im just Moot Moot Mootin all over the place.

God I hate words like Moot, Woot and Loogan. I hope that when I have kids that isnt the way they all start talking lol, makes me feel old at the age of 25...darn kids and they're Wooting around in their skinny jeans.

You said this twice in one post.... Sounds like you are trying to convince us and yourself that.. "you would NEVER catch me fishing in a closed section of river...NEVER"
-Just sayin..

thats what reiterate means...I wanted to make it clear that I wasnt defending fishing in closed waters.
Let's keep it reasonable boys.

SOUNDS LIKE A MAN who is reasonable!



Dear Fellow and Respected Members of OFF,

Recently I went fishing for suckers and made 3 posts relevant to the situation.

It appears that this topic has caused (2) threads to be LOCKED.

I can only hope that this thread will remain open ... allowing for intelligent conversation.

If not ... Would having 3 threads in a week closed be a record at OFF?


So.... my very first excursion out to get some SUCKERS began like this:

1. Picked about 3-4 dozen worms the night before

2. Decided to TAKE the GO BUS to DUFFINS CREEK(Have fished the sucker runs there 7 years in a row)

3. Got off at CHURCH & KINGSTON RD

4. Headed down the trail towards the CNR TRACKS and 401 POOL

5. Stopped at (2) holes along the way (Always hold largesucker pods)

6. Ended up catching 1 Trout in one pool and 2 inthe next. The other 4 were all caught at the CNR -401 POOL! (OPEN SEASON on EVERTHING)

7. In each pool before arriving at the CNR-401 location, I had received bites from Chub and what felt like suckers

All the TROUT were released

So.... I published an HONEST ACCOUNT of my day of fishing. Does this seem like a conspiracy of someone trying to “Beat the system” or hide their actions?

I take it that all my hundreds of positive posts and topics and contributions were all part of an eleborate scheme ... to fool the TROUT MAFIA?

I truly suspect the vast majority of “HATE RESPONSES’ are coming from individuals who are:




*PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION to those who love to
JUDGE others, arrive at ASSUMPTIVE CONCLUSIONS.... and God forbid, if you

Apparently, trout is the ONLY SPECIES of any importance.

The same “Ethical Know it alls” are often seen throwing Chub& Suckers & Carp up on the shoreline to DIE. Guess the “TROUT ONLY SIGN” on their offering was ignored.

Same guys who assume that anyone not using a CENTRE PIN...must be a loogan, poacher or snagger.

Every year at BRONTE, CREDIT, HUMBER, WILMOT ... Bowmanville,I see the CARNAGE left on the shorelines. Considering the number one choice of bait for Steel headers is ROE.... there would be absolutely no coincidence of association here, would there?

Seeing the BROWNS slit open is especially disheartening.

Course only a “STEELHEADER” of high moral fortitude would even imagine that the BROWN ROE is the BOMB.... right?


My intentions were for catching SUCKERS.

I really do not need to justify anything to anyone.

Subsequently, I have not fished for suckers in any “Closed Trout Area”.

Last night, while fishing for SUCKERS with worms - I caught:
Bass, Suckers, Chub and TROUT!

Who would have thought?
All were released.

This weekend, I will go out and do the same.

I can only hope more of us will get out and enjoy the wonderful opportunities out there.

Best to all!

Blair it doesn't sound like you know what the purpose of a fish sanctuary is. It's to protect the species that makes their way up there. Suckers can't be used as a good excuse. They bite the same baits as steelhead. I'm sure you knew it was a sanctuary in the first place :(
My friend Blair, I hate how this topic has gone south already and am sure it is going to get locked. Like I said prior, in no way am I trying to upset anyone, there is no trout mafia in my behalf, just a conservationist. I have seen some of the damage people have caused to our fishery, I have seen slit browns in sanctuaries, I have seen people snag chinooks, I have seen people keep 5 brook trout that were 5 inches long, and I have seen people take bass off theres nests. None of it seems right.
My point being, some people are ignorant like myself and didn't even think that fishing for a sub-species in heavily populated steel territory was even an option. Lurkers and "loogans" alike, people WILL take advantage of this loop hole, I, like others, will strongly protest.
It really has nothing to do with just steelhead, if I saw someone fishing for bass in the fall in a known lake trout spawning location, my reaction would be the same, as would it be to people fishing pike in the spring on gravel beds.

My fellow anglers, let's not be to harsh on our associates, just informative. I am all ears if someone can justify this to me. I know fishing suckers is fun and there is just so many places to get them year round it doesn't seem right to target them in closed sections.
Ok, fishing the bead and sac/worm combo for suckers or bows in open sections is fine.

Fishing the bead and sac/worm combo in closed sections will get you a ticket, if you are catching trout... even still some CO's would ticket you right away, from what I hear.

Fishing a worm in closed sections for suckers PROBABLY wont get you a fine. These are the facts, if a CO watches you fishing, and you keep nailing trout in closed trout water, you will get a ticket because it appears you are targetting them... rule is, if you are hitting OOS fish, you are to change bait or change location.

It all boils down to personal morals and ethics, is it wrong to fish closed trout waters for suckers? No. Is it wrong to catch the odd trout while fishing for suckers, naw... Is it wrong to abuse the "rules"? Well, depends which ones :lol: It seems, and I've never encountered anyone doing this, but people are taking advantage the situation.

Anyways, floss, poach, rape the resources, snag, etc. Just don't get caught... A P.S.A. brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood steelheader.

The solution, no fishing whatsoever in closed sections, I feel this change will come soon.
I know fishing suckers is fun and there is just so many places to get them year round it doesn't seem right to target them in closed sections.

yup there is plenty of water open year round, and plenty of suckers to catch. there is no need to bother spawning trout in closed sections of the river.
My friend Blair, I hate how this topic has gone south already and am sure it is going to get locked. Like I said prior, in no way am I trying to upset anyone, there is no trout mafia in my behalf, just a conservationist. I have seen some of the damage people have caused to our fishery, I have seen slit browns in sanctuaries, I have seen people snag chinooks, I have seen people keep 5 brook trout that were 5 inches long, and I have seen people take bass off theres nests. None of it seems right.
My point being, some people are ignorant like myself and didn't even think that fishing for a sub-species in heavily populated steel territory was even an option. Lurkers and "loogans" alike, people WILL take advantage of this loop hole, I, like others, will strongly protest.
It really has nothing to do with just steelhead, if I saw someone fishing for bass in the fall in a known lake trout spawning location, my reaction would be the same, as would it be to people fishing pike in the spring on gravel beds.

My fellow anglers, let's not be to harsh on our associates, just informative. I am all ears if someone can justify this to me. I know fishing suckers is fun and there is just so many places to get them year round it doesn't seem right to target them in closed sections.

This is a great post IMO.

I too think that in this situation, cooler heads shall prevail.

I'd rather see informative discussion on the topic then straight up character judging and bashing.

BUT..... If a OOS fish is present, it's your responsibility to relocate.

Blair, you said you did relocate. I will take you at your word and show respect to you and the situation.

IMO, you should not target this area until the OOS fish have left, or the season opens. That would be the respectful thing to do (for the fish, for fellow anglers, and for the law).

Plus, searching for new areas to fish is half the fun, make the best of it.
I wasnt directing this post on Blair, I had a conversation with an individual on a very populated steelhead staging area, with 100's of bows stacked up in the pools and him proceeding to drift single eggs under a float. I asked "hey man, what are you fishing for" he said... Suckers.

I played dumb and said "are those suckers?"
"wow, that's a lot of suckers... I didn't know they got that big."
After watching him for a few minutes, he hooked up. A big male came rocketing out of the water. I then proceeded to tell him if he didn't vacate, I would call the MNR.

He left.

Like I said. There is no need to get worked up, I was expressing my opinion, and look forward to others. Including any anglers who target suckers in spawning and staging grounds.