June 25th - Lake Scugog

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2011
Here to do a little report on my time at lake scugog the other day. (my first report :p)

Temperature - high 20 low of 14 -very windy- water was lukewarm

I arrived at Lake Scugog at 11am ish and started fishing from the public dock in caesarea with my friend. O boy was it windy. There noticeable waves of 3-4in in height so we put on a few gulp alive minnows and casted. But it didn't go to far. All morning of fishing only brought in a few pan fishes.

So we went to lunch and decided to call it quits.

After lunch, me and my friend was really disappointed that we didn't catch anything so we went to another location. Time was around 1:30

And what you know? More pan fish but less waves. So I whiched to a crank bait and hopes that I could some how land a bass or 2 if I'm lucky. Or at least I get to play with my new toy :)
I few boats came back in and I asked how it was on the outside. Everyone said it was to windy to fish and all they caught was small perch and sunfishes. The thought of that made me a bit discouraged

Cast over cast nothing but weeds.

As a retrieved my weedy crank in, it pulled back!!
It wasn't weed at all so I quickly set my hook! And it fought back!
I can hear my drag going off taking alot of line with it
Then it jumped !! Beside one of the boats at the dock. Long, shiny, and I thought to myself" a walleye?" Nice!!

As I pulled to towards the dock it jumped again and started to calm down.
Now that I got a better look at it, it wasn't a walleye at all it was a MUSKY!
It was hooked at the side of the mouth, and I was using mono to braided, so I was afraid it would cut my line and take my crank with it. As it settles down I asked the fellow fishermen that just came in from the lake if he had a net I could borrow.

He said yep, and quickly helped me net the fish in. :)
So I guess I'll let the photo speak for itself




Thanks again to the guy that lent me his net if hes reading this and it shows that shore fishing does bring it rewards :)

The fish was Caught and Release and swam away nicely :)
Very cool that you got a 'ski from shore, they won't cut through line at that size. They sure can spit the bait though, well done on landing it.

Never know what's lurking in those weeds! Your patience and persistence was rewarded.
Nice going. Great pics. I guess you just proved that you don't have to make 1000 casts to get one, just be persistent. Is this your first musky ever? I've yet to get one in 20 years of fishing, but I never targeted them. Thanks for the tips. Congrats again.
Yah this is my first musky ever! Lol my record at the moment is 1 lg mouth bass , 1 walleye and 1 musky since I started fishing :)

I was actually trying to get some bass but I guess the bait attracted him to bite :)

-ps- thanks for all the kind words everyone and good luck this season!
Tight lines everyone :)

Will be going up to Samuel de Champlain this long weekend for camping and fishing. Make sure to follow my report!
Nice Report

Congrats on the Muskie!

They call them "the fish of a thousand Casts" .... Looks like you got another 1000 to go!

I wish you many more ...