Fall Salmon and Trout Competition 2012

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Unaccomplished Steelheader
Aug 14, 2010
Stole this idea (and all of the text) from another forum. Seems like a great idea to me! If the mods are alright with it everyone can follow the rules below and I will keep this thread updated. Seems like a great way to keep things interesting!

This is where you can post your pictures of your fish. Here are the rules and stipulations, if i come off as sounding serious i'm not trying to be just want to have some fun with this salmon and trout season.

Rules of the Competition Are:
  • The starting date is the date of this thread
  • The end date is December 31st at midnight
  • Anybody can enter fish into the contest
  • To enter post your picture and length of fish in this thread
  • Fish must be caught in a river or rivermouth
  • Chinook Salmon, Rainbow Trout (Steelhead) and Brown Trout are the eligable species
  • The fishes size will be based on their length (in inches)
  • Each fish will have their own category
  • The top 5 fish will be listed on this orginal post
  • In the event of a tie, the angler with the 2nd biggest fish in the competition will win the tiebreaker
  • And of course fish must be caught legally

Criteria for the Picture:

  • The entire fish must be shown clearly with a tape measure
  • We will use the measurement from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail (pinched)
  • The picture must be within the dates of the contest


Rainbow Trout (Steelhead)

1. CJR 31.5"
2. NADO 27"
3. Float Down 24"

Chinook Salmon

1.Luke 42"
2.NADO 41"
3.Luke 40"
4.Rain-Bow 35.5"
5.Angler_Brazil 35"

Coho Salmon

1. NADO 26"

Pink Salmon


Brown Trout


Brook Trout


Let the Games Begin
Great idea! I'll be more interested in the steal and browns theN the chinnys, there should be a coho and pink category too, i love seeing them!
Caught this one today on a Crankbait :cool:



Rain-Bow is in first for Chinook. Rain-Bow can you add a measurement to your post?
Today in the middle of the day I fished a river mouth. Hooked into I think was well over 30 lb, as the reel went zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and as I tightened my drag near the end, it snapped the 30 lb braid line. Saw a monster emerging from water some 150 yards away, with a grin at me and only one thougth went through my mind--that I could have won OFF's competition had I landed it...what a heart break, but a fight I never forget
getin: With the current and their size ... sometimes even 30lb braid cant cut it. Next one is all yours!


Rainbow: Nice Chinny! Good to see a strong strike on the Crankbait as well. Just having fun ... but didnt you say it's "ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE" for them to bite in a TRIB?

Guess you got "lucky" today!

*First one on the Board
Hate to rain on the parade here fellas--but I think it prudent to take care that steelhead don't suffer unnecessary harm and stress by being handled too much for the measurements...
I know you are likely in accord on this, but it would perhaps be best to ensure this is carried out by two anglers...

Otherwise, best of luck!!

How about just a picture of the fish, take your measurement quickly and then release the fish. Its just an honor system for fun so Chase makes a good point, lets try to do it quickly with the least amount of harm to the fish possible.

************Rules Updated****************
That's much better NADO! Now I can just measure certain points on my rod before-hand and give a quick estimate using my rod. I really don't like keeping fish outside the water.
I think it would be nice to see more categories as well, someone mentioned pink's, ho's, maybe even throw in brookies into there, would love to see all sorts of picture being taken of all kinds of fish. And guys, keep up to date with the record numbers please, no point in submitting a picture of a jack chinny when a 37" was caught.
Categories added. I may need help from the Mods on identification of Pink and Coho Salmon as I have never caught either myself. Maybe I have and I just didnt realize it. If Mods are able to edit my post please feel free to do so. I work almost every day on a computer so I will be able to update the standings fairly often.
Caught this beauty lake run brown on monday August 13, at about 5:00 am. I was fishing an Erie trib mouth, got him on a mepps cyclops glow spoon. The fish is roughly 26" and weighed 4/5 LBS.
Caught this beauty lake run brown on monday August 13, at about 5:00 am. I was fishing an Erie trib mouth, got him on a mepps cyclops glow spoon. The fish is roughly 26" and weighed 4/5 LBS.

GORGEOUS BROWN! and nice Report!

* The Comp began for fish AFTER: Aug 17 (lol) Your honesty at the catch date would eliminate it from the COMP but also put you were you belong:


Well done on that nice catch!
Lol thanks guys, I'm not too worried about the contest......YET :rolleyes: just like sharing the joy and bragging rights :oops: Now let's all get some more.......cheers
Very nice brown, must have been a great fight at the mouth of the river! I would love to count the fish but it wouldnt really be very sporting to win a contest with a fish that was caught before it began.

I only see one option......get out there and catch another one!lol