Elite membership fishing day?!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2011
So, there are a few of you gents who post on this site regularly, with amazing knowledge, amazing pics and amazing moral integrity. So, I want to set something up where we all meet up, have a good day on the river and share our knowledge and backround on our die hard fishing passion. I'm calling out CJR, dozer, blair, chase chrome, Georgian bay drifter, jpct, float drifter, notta steeler, river ninja, salmotruta, triniboy, and who else did I forget??? Anyway, let's set up a date and a river we can all get together and slam some salmonoids!!!
this would require a big river where we can all fish, i'm thinking saugeen this fall :grin:

Great suggestion!

or the POOL.(Glen)

- Can be a very difficult place to fish. You certainly have to work for your money there.

Course, thinking of a thread that just came up today:

How bout the STINK HOLE? lol Be interesting to challenge an enviroment that many (not all) detest.

I'm into fishing ANYWHERE / ANYTIME.
- Once a "Concensus is made"... you can count on my Confirmation.
I'd be interested 100%, let me know when and where. I think a bigger system like the 'geen would be ideal, I'll stick around for two days if anyone wants to join. From the listed names, I'd say you're bang on for great company.
I'd like to nominate another member for team Greece, our man despotiko.
I'd like to nominate another member for team Greece, our man despotiko.

Considering it's an OLYMPIC YEAR .... lol

I get to be in my own little world anyway: TEAM BOTTON BOUCER (go ahead, say it! lol)
If you guys don't mind a noob tagging along I would love to come and learn. I can even be the photographer that day since I have no salmon fishing gear
A trip like that needs a stowaway. I'll buy coffee. :mrgreen:
The whirlpool in mid-october is filled with nooks, and they are lots of fun on lures :razz:
If you fish the geen I'm in! Got to be mid week to avoid the crowds.
I know that makes it tougher but if you plan in advance we can all book the day off :rolleyes:
Id even supply some small prizes for largest fish. Catch and release only. measure snap a photo and see who wins at the end. Maybe even all put in ten bucks half to the winner and the other half to the club that stocks the river. Think its the lake huron fishing club Put a little back after enjoying their hard work.
Great idea i'm in for sure once its not mid month, would like to also nominate LUKE and PD from the forum both great guys and very intuned fishermen. ones a float drifter the other a fly fisher would make it intresting to see which style are bang on that day. Thanks for the offer and you have selected a great bunch of guys i might add..:grin:
Oh FYI any group member needing a lift living in the west end is most welcome to hitch a ride with me that day...
Sounds awesome. Thanks Trini for the shoutout. Lots of people and fishing means hungry folks. How about some kind of bbq shore lunch. Potluck style?
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