simcoe lakers

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Jun 24, 2007
soft water lakers are as much fun as winter.
i encourage everyone to try it out.
went 6/9 today, will try to beat that tomorrow.
see you later mr.laker

Very nice! On the yak eh?

Might head out myself soon, picked up a couple downriggers a bit ago and I wanna try them out.

These tankers come jigging? If I was in a yak I might attempt jigging with my ice rod lol
nice, kayak fishing for lakers eh. Were you using a finder too?
nice efka, must be sweet to be able to get those lakers from your kayak, thanks for sharing :mrgreen:
I'm surprised that they're still shallow enough to catch this late in the year, obviously on a kayak you couldn't use any planers/downriggers so i'm guessing they were in less than 20 fow?
was fishing from 100 to 115 fow, fishfinder was a must.
sunday made it to the water little later than planned....lines down at 10am, off the water by 3pm.
lots of chasers and short bites, but managed to go 2/7.

nice pic man, that's a beautiful fish.. I can only imagine the fight

do you mind sharing how you get down to 100 fow without trolling? I'm new to lake trout and wouldn't mind catching some this summer at my lake
apz245 said:
nice pic man, that's a beautiful fish.. I can only imagine the fight

do you mind sharing how you get down to 100 fow without trolling? I'm new to lake trout and wouldn't mind catching some this summer at my lake

leadcore/copper lines work well for this, same with big egg sinkers
i was jigging badboys while slowly drifting

leakywaders said:
efka how were the gnats? scugog had quite a few yesterday, but simcoe can be horrible
only few, not bad yet.
thanks efka, I didn't think you could get them so deep, appreciate the info, gonna try jigging this summer

jmatt.. with the egg sinkers... do you use the slip style or the ones that go on the end of your line? I think the slip style would work better with something like a 8 inch leader

back to the post, these pictures have me so hyped for summer time, what a hog of a lake trout
apz245 said:
thanks efka, I didn't think you could get them so deep, appreciate the info, gonna try jigging this summer

jmatt.. with the egg sinkers... do you use the slip style or the ones that go on the end of your line? I think the slip style would work better with something like a 8 inch leader

back to the post, these pictures have me so hyped for summer time, what a hog of a lake trout
personally i used to run em on a drop shot style rig with a triangle swivel, you could always run an in-line jig as well
man im stocked for summer, efka your the best! Thanks so much for sharing. Hopefully I can convince my dad to get out on simcoe, he doesnt want to try it because its too big and we have never fished there before.... but THATS THE FUN trying new places and techniques.

Only thing is...our 12ft inflatable with 3.5hp motor can only be safely used in under 15km winds lol...

Scugog it is for me this weekend, maybe NEXT weekend I will see you on simcoe.

I havnt been able to find any good depth charts of the ENTIRE lake simcoe...can someone recommend a link?