We need to clean some GTA ponds.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2012
Most GTA ponds still hold great fishing opportunities but it seems like litering is running rampant. At this point I just only close my eyes, give a sigh and start cleaning up before I start fishing. I know a lot of people use these ponds not only anglers but lately I've been seeing a lot of empty lure packages, worm containers, tangled lines, hooks and of course...timmy's cup (well that covers everybody). I always clean up before I fish and clean up as I leave but I just can't keep up. It seems garbage reproduce way...WAY faster than our aquatic friends.
rich_ace_G said:
Most GTA ponds still hold great fishing opportunities but it seems like litering is running rampant. At this point I just only close my eyes, give a sigh and start cleaning up before I start fishing. I know a lot of people use these ponds not only anglers but lately I've been seeing a lot of empty lure packages, worm containers, tangled lines, hooks and of course...timmy's cup (well that covers everybody). I always clean up before I fish and clean up as I leave but I just can't keep up. It seems garbage reproduce way...WAY faster than our aquatic friends.
I do the same, always carry garbage bags and most days I fill them, I also have gloves for some of the more disgusting stuff...
It runs rampant in cities as well as in fishing spots. Many young people seem to be more prone than some adults to simply throw their cups down where ever they finish their drink or throw garbage on any property where they don't have to pick it up. Perhaps the fact that both parents are forced to work and thus haven't the time to teach their children about littering may contribute to this growing problem.
staffman said:
It runs rampant in cities as well as in fishing spots. Many young people seem to be more prone than some adults to simply throw their cups down where ever they finish their drink or throw garbage on any property where they don't have to pick it up. Perhaps the fact that both parents are forced to work and thus haven't the time to teach their children about littering may contribute to this growing problem.
Interesting theory, however, I disagree, I would argue that it is a lack of regard and respect rather than a lack of education.
Who is responsible to teach regard and respect ? I say it's the up to parents to teach these values and the rest of us to reinforce these value when we see littering going on.
Staffman - Do you sit on your front porch and shake your fist at the neighborhood kids?
That was a ******** statement that if both parents work the kids will have no respect for others. Welcome to the 21st century where often both parents CHOOSE and are not FORCED to work. It takes all of 5 minutes a day to teach your children respect and values. Some parents just don't care and it isn't because they work.
Believe it is the responsibility of the parents whether they work or not... We cant blame others when we deicide to bring children into this world it is our responsibility whether we work don't work have money don't have money it does not matter... I also don't think this has anything to do with young or old it is how they respect anything in life... I think we all have to keep doing the clean up and let them see so the next time when they want to throw something they will remember that someone has to eventually pick it up remember seeing one of us picking it up.... It is not a perfect world out there and feel scared for the future generations...hope they will have more good people with good respect... Please don't stop what you are doing as it will only get worse if all of us stop caring for the environment... May be we as anglers should come up with a clean up day in the fall and ask everyone in Ontario to show up at the places they fish and do a clean up!
Both my parents worked when I was growing up and I pick up litter... Schools also have big programs on teaching kids to not litter and to respect the environment.
Some places really do need cleaning up but the ponds I usually go to in Brampton don't really have much garbage, I did however go to LaSalle Park yesterday and saw a Tim Hortons cup, fishing product packaging and a fish carcas. People have just started to care less and I do believe a lot of the garbage found at fishing grounds comes from anglers
FishingNoob said:
Both my parents worked when I was growing up and I pick up litter... Schools also have big programs on teaching kids to not litter and to respect the environment.
This. Child of a single mom and I never litter. There was def a ton of activities in school that taught me not to.
Sometimes it's not the lack of education but rather the individual choice of lack or respect. I've seen far too often whereby a person chooses to leave stuff behind with the frame of thought some one else will clean up after them. It's a sad world when we see this happening but it happens all too often. Cleaning up the waterways is always a good thing and I always try and leave the waters a little cleaner than I found it. Now it has been mentioned that maybe others will see and follow by example. Sometime it works sometime it reinforces their frame of thought that someone else will clean up after them. Personally it's a choice to help clean up and we all hope that other anglers/walkers and anyone enjoying the waters for that matter follow suit.
It is pretty much a mix of everything. Lack of self respect, respect for environment, respect of other anglers and mere laziness. I mean how hard is it to pick up an empty pack of lure? If you can re-tie your bait, change a lure, or just plain hike a trail and the most essential part...fighting a fish! picking small litters won't be that hard. I was at a local pond and saw 2 anglers...(white bucketeers). One guy asked what my plastic bag is for...I said for garbage. I told him if he has some he can throw it in there. All 3 of us shared that bag and they thanked me afterwards. Told them..."clean water, clean fish". Gave me a thumbs up. They get the "drift".
rich_ace_G said:
It is pretty much a mix of everything. Lack of self respect, respect for environment, respect of other anglers and mere laziness. I mean how hard is it to pick up an empty pack of lure? If you can re-tie your bait, change a lure, or just plain hike a trail and the most essential part...fighting a fish! picking small litters won't be that hard. I was at a local pond and saw 2 anglers...(white bucketeers). One guy asked what my plastic bag is for...I said for garbage. I told him if he has some he can throw it in there. All 3 of us shared that bag and they thanked me afterwards. Told them..."clean water, clean fish". Gave me a thumbs up. They get the "drift".
Good on your part lets hope they take the message to heart and impart onto others the same principal. Then there be a little less garbage on the waterways. 😄
BearInTheWoods said:
Staffman - Do you sit on your front porch and shake your fist at the neighborhood kids?
That was a ******** statement that if both parents work the kids will have no respect for others. Welcome to the 21st century where often both parents CHOOSE and are not FORCED to work. It takes all of 5 minutes a day to teach your children respect and values. Some parents just don't care and it isn't because they work.
Everytime I hit my little sweet spot I go to, I bring a bag and it is full by the time I go home with others trash. Its pathetic. I was fishing once at balsam and I managed to land a crawfish that was so badly tangled it could move. Its one arm was grown all weird because it was tied down so long. It literally took 45 mins of snipping the line to get him out. his damn shell was growing around the line. And at the end of it he stopped trying to pinch me!