Mill pond in richmondhill

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2013
Hey has anyone fished at mill pond in richmond hill lately I hear theres some nice sized bass in there and if anyone knows what other fish there are.
I've caught large mouth. But not the best area for bass. Lot's of carp, catfish and koi though.
Hey rich_ace_g thx for the info. How big was the lmb u caught and do you know any good places for bass in the area or just south... Thx
if you check the map. there's another pond south. rumble pond. the bass i've caught at mill are small. if you can catch a 1lb bass at mill pond, that is big already. Much more bass at rumble and if you're lucky, there are some hammerhandles in there. I know, i've caught quite a few last year. but both ponds have friendly atmospheres and again, if you're lucky, some lululemons might show up and chat...just sayin'.
was driving there in the evening few years back and saw one guy fishing, out of curiosity stopped to see what he was catching.... to my surprise he was getting crappie right under the light near the dam. he said there were tons of bass in the pond north of mill pond.
rich_ace_G said:
if you check the map. there's another pond south. rumble pond. the bass i've caught at mill are small. if you can catch a 1lb bass at mill pond, that is big already. Much more bass at rumble and if you're lucky, there are some hammerhandles in there. I know, i've caught quite a few last year. but both ponds have friendly atmospheres and again, if you're lucky, some lululemons might show up and chat...just sayin'.
Now that's our style of fishing :cool:
rich_ace_G said:
if you check the map. there's another pond south. rumble pond. the bass i've caught at mill are small. if you can catch a 1lb bass at mill pond, that is big already. Much more bass at rumble and if you're lucky, there are some hammerhandles in there. I know, i've caught quite a few last year.
I went to scope out Rumble Pond earlier this week. It seems to be undergoing some sort of rebuilding / "rehabilitation" right now, meaning that it has been fenced off, almost entirely drained, and there is heavy equipment in there digging it out. I guess it might make for a better pond in the future, but I don't think it will be a fishing option again for some time. Sorry to deliver the bad news.

I was also fishing in Mill Pond and the smaller pond north of it on Tuesday and I couldn't get any bites. I did see at least 3 other people fishing in the main pond, also not catching anything. I spotted what looked like a really huge goldfish feeding near the surface of the north pond, which is consistant with fish I've seen (but not been able to catch) in local reservoirs nearby. They're apparently invasive, which may be having an effect on local native fish populations.
Hey guys just for an update i went to mill pond yesterday and caught a bunch of small bass and sunfish and one huge bass 3.8 lbs 19 inches chek out my other post to see all the fish they where all caught on my #3 meps
Citybass said:
Hey guys just for an update i went to mill pond yesterday and caught a bunch of small bass and sunfish and one huge bass 3.8 lbs 19 inches chek out my other post to see all the fish they where all caught on my #3 meps
That's a monster! I've caught a couple 1 lb fish out of there while crappie fishing but that's it.
nice. there are a few big bass there. caught a 4lber last year...but that was like 1 big bass for 20 visits to that pond which is pretty low giving that I drive half an hour for that.
mill pond sucks tbh...i live 5 min walk from there and its only good for walking and running. HUGE snapping turtles at night, carp and koi, giant koi.

if your in the area, hit up wilcox or try your chances at Bond, be careful as Bond is restricted to fish in....but MAN are the pike sweet there
Bond is Great! It's a beautiful kettle lake, deep and connected with a network of underwater aquifers....

And like most waterways in the GTA it will "ruined" by housing development soon!
Drop_Shot said:
Bond is Great! It's a beautiful kettle lake, deep and connected with a network of underwater aquifers....

And like most waterways in the GTA it will "ruined" by housing development soon!
Your prediction was correct! Bond is all developed and no public access for fishing.